The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Not Much To Tell


Nothing exciting happened yesterday at the rakkity-young’uns rematch. Patrick arrived late, due to meetings that he couldn’t quit from early. I had just about given up on his and his sister’s arrival, and was heading upstairs to the treadmills and ellipticals, when they both arrived, carrying 3 racquets and beaming broadly. Down at the court, we agreed on the rules–I’d play only to the sidewalls and ceiling, P. would play left-handed, and KT would play normally. 

The first game went to Mr. P. 15-8-6. (The old man got the 6.) The magnetic attraction of the front wall was just too powerful. But the magnetic force in the front wall weakened in the 2nd game, and the old man came back handily, 15-4-5. Admittedly, that was due mainly to the fact that P. was playing on the right side, where he had to field wall-grazer serves with a back-handed left hand, and KT had to return left wall grazers with her backhand. 

The last game was only to 5 due to time shortages, so it doesn’t really count in the greater scheme of things. (OK, since you insist, Patrick won that one, 5-2-2.)

What about collisions, wall smashups, broken bones, and all that good stuff? Aside from a few errant balls that hit me in the ribs, butt, and face, there were no real painful incidents. And I only hit the wall once really hard, but no shoulders were involved. Sorry, bloggers, but sometimes reality isn’t so interesting.

But what may be interesting is this:

Hi Dominic,

Possibly tomorrow evening (Thurs) or Saturday?


On Sun, 2006-11-05 at 12:56 -0500, Dominic Zarro wrote:
Hi Ed,

Are you interested in a few games before you hit the road?



posted by michael at 3:00 pm  


  1. Personally, I think Dominic wants to hurt you. The thought of losing to an older guy and then watching him retire to the mountains is just too much.

    Comment by michael — November 8, 2006 @ 3:03 pm

  2. Well, I doubt that. But I can avoid hurting his feelings by losing.

    (Hmmm…do I really want to try to lose?)

    Comment by rakkity — November 8, 2006 @ 4:51 pm

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