The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007



I parked my car
Out on the street.
I didn’t want to,
But I did.
My life was so complete,
Til my car’s hot wired
By some kid.

My car, my car is gone.
They’re probably choppin’ the car,
While I’m talkin’ to you.
Torchin’ the car,
While I’m talkin’ to you.

I’m not a guy who chases chicks.
I’m a guy who stays at home.
In my garage I get my kicks.
Me, and my car all alone,
But my car is gone.

They’re probably choppin’ the car,
While I’m talkin’ to you.

The first thing to go will be the hubcap.
Next to go, will be the radio.
Down the road will be a fat cat,
Dealin’ car parts,
This I know,
My car is gone.

They’re probably torchin’ the car,
While I’m talkin’ to you.

I had a two-toned Eldorado.
The bumpers looked like tits.
My Cadillac Eldorado’s
Now bein’ chopped into little, bitty bits,
My car… my car is gone.

Next to go, will be the drive train,
Then the dealers will call.
Have you ever had to feel the pain
Of reporting a lost vehicle?
You say,
Officer, my car is gone;
They’re probably torchin’ the car,
While I’m talkin’ to you.

How am I suppose to get to the ball game?
How am I gonna get to work?
Mass Transit is just too lame.
The whole system is run by a jerk,
And my car, my car is gone

Torch and chop,
Torch and chop,
Oh, the dread
Will never stop.

Officer, that was a two-toned Eldorado,
That’s right, it was pink and white.
No, it wasn’t a 95 model, sir…
It was a 59.
That’s right, irreplacable…

richard jarboe

posted by michael at 9:44 pm  


  1. Okay, the piece hinges poignantly on the last stanza, even word, but I thought the Water Baby entry was better free verse …

    Comment by adam — May 23, 2007 @ 11:17 pm

  2. How about this one?

    Let’s Be Reasonable

    Now there’s a thought,
    Short of a clue.
    Like a do gooder
    And the evil doer,
    Who both have a reason
    To do what they do,
    Like those, who commit treason
    Have a reason too.

    Argument and discussion
    All have one repercussion,
    Trouble lodged in confusion,
    Based on the reason of illusion.

    Part of the confusion IS the illusion.
    Perplexity due to complexity,
    Like what is reason?
    Where does it belong?
    When part earth,
    Part heavenly song?

    Like a thief,
    Who steals from the rich and such,
    With the earthly reason,
    ‘ the rich don’t need that much’
    But reason from beyond says,
    ‘Thou shall not steal! ‘
    No matter the fortune,
    No matter the wheel.

    He who says,
    ‘I will not listen to reason…’
    Has a reason.
    They say reason is
    The master of the mind,
    To justify
    The cruelty and the kind.

    What’s your reason?

    richard jarboe

    Comment by michael — May 24, 2007 @ 6:34 am

  3. How many, How much

    How many slams in an old screen door?
    Depends how loud you shut it.
    How many slices in a bread?
    Depends how thin you cut it.
    How much good inside a day?
    Depends how good you live ’em.
    How much love inside a friend?
    Depends how much you give ’em.

    Shel Silverstein

    Comment by Jen — May 25, 2007 @ 8:35 am

  4. That’s my speed.

    Comment by jennifer — May 25, 2007 @ 9:38 pm

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