Comment by pesky godson — February 12, 2006 @ 5:37 pm
Your snow depth seems about the same as ours. The difference being that the ground temperature here was at least 40 deg, so it took 7 or 8 inches of snowfall before it began to accumulate. Sunday I did some XC skiiing through Bowie, and encountered lots of snowshovelers who expressed a desire to go play in the snow like me. Today (Mon) I took the day off, and skiied up the Appalachian trail. At Annapolis Rocks where I stopped and enjoyed the view, the trail register recorded that the temperature up there on Jan 9 was a clear and pleasant 65 F. Today it was a clear and pleasant 25 F.
Regarding the subject of living within 7 degrees of your favorite temperature–I’ve been out of that range for the last 30 some years. My favorite yearly mean (out-of-door) temp is around 32. I don’t know what Maryland’s mean temperature is, but it’s a lot higher than that. I’m looking forward to retiring in a cooler place.
Very interesting question, that one about wealth and comfort and temperature. And you could parse it like that I suppose. In my yoot, I liked and tolerated all temps, now I tolerate all (I do, afterall, work outside year round), but would prefer an average daytime temp of about 102. If I had lots of money, I still couldn’t live in my comfort zone and remain married to my current spouse.
So jealous…
Comment by pesky godson — February 12, 2006 @ 5:37 pm
Your snow depth seems about the same as ours. The difference being that the ground temperature here was at least 40 deg, so it took 7 or 8 inches of snowfall before it began to accumulate. Sunday I did some XC skiiing through Bowie, and encountered lots of snowshovelers who expressed a desire to go play in the snow like me. Today (Mon) I took the day off, and skiied up the Appalachian trail. At Annapolis Rocks where I stopped and enjoyed the view, the trail register recorded that the temperature up there on Jan 9 was a clear and pleasant 65 F. Today it was a clear and pleasant 25 F.
Regarding the subject of living within 7 degrees of your favorite temperature–I’ve been out of that range for the last 30 some years. My favorite yearly mean (out-of-door) temp is around 32. I don’t know what Maryland’s mean temperature is, but it’s a lot higher than that. I’m looking forward to retiring in a cooler place.
Comment by rakkity — February 13, 2006 @ 4:34 pm
Very interesting question, that one about wealth and comfort and temperature. And you could parse it like that I suppose. In my yoot, I liked and tolerated all temps, now I tolerate all (I do, afterall, work outside year round), but would prefer an average daytime temp of about 102. If I had lots of money, I still couldn’t live in my comfort zone and remain married to my current spouse.
Comment by michael — February 14, 2006 @ 9:16 am