The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Room at the Hotel

Diane’s enthusiasm over her new NetFlix subscription (a gift from Dan and Linda) was dampened by Matthew’s after nap, snappish answers.

“I can rent two movies at a time with no late fees,” Diane said, trying to slow Matt’s dinner plate to mouth conveyor belt.

“So, ” he didn’t look up.

“As soon as I finish one movie, I drop it in their mailer and they’ll send
me another.”


“I’ve set up a queue of movies, and based on what I rent, they’ll suggest others. Like Amazon.”

“Good for you.”

“I’m getting a movie tomorrow and another on Friday.”

No answer.

“Don’t you want to know which ones?”

“Which ones?” Matt complies.

“Hotel Rwanda and … “

“You saw it.”

“March of the Penguins…what do you mean I saw it?”

Matt’s answer came so sudden and so firm, and Diane with that night before Christmas look on her face was now waiting for last year’s gift.

“What’s it about? ” I asked, hoping Matthew was wrong.

“A hotel in Rwanda. What do you THINK it’s about?” Matt volleys back.

“But what’s it about?. You know, about, like who’s in it and what are they doing in a hotel?”

“There’s this black guy who’s very well known – and I can see his face – but I can’t think of his name. He protects Rwandans in this hotel.”

Diane jumps back in.

“How old is it? How do you know I saw it?”

“I just do,” Matt answers.

Disappointed, Diane looks at me.  “I still can’t remember the movie. But I can picture that guy’s face. I guess that’s a bad sign.”

posted by michael at 3:51 am  


  1. Having just witnessed a rare Matt sighting, I can attest to snappish answers, on multiple subjects, not just movies.

    Good capture of your eighteener’s dialog here, Mike, and in Higher Education, Di!

    Comment by smiling — February 12, 2006 @ 9:34 am

  2. Don Cheadle. I love NetFlix. But…I started out with great enthusiasm and managed to watch my two movies a week no problem. Then after about four months I had my two movies sitting on the table for about a month. I’m back into it again, sort of. And the way they do it is great with the queue. You can put movies that are in the theater now in your queue for when they are released.

    I highly recommend “Junebug”. It was a small film with no stars, but one of the leads is nominated for an Oscar for her performance. It’s a very sweet film. Very Diane.

    You will enjoy Penguins as well, but keep the tissues nearby. Made me cry.

    Comment by La Rad — February 12, 2006 @ 11:34 am

  3. Saw Penguins twice, once in the theater & once on DVD (Christmas present). The movie theater version was much more intense because of the big screen, but the story on the DVD about the filming was really fascinating. Talk about suffering for your art!

    Comment by rakkity — February 14, 2006 @ 10:08 am

  4. I should publish one of those grueling “Ice” stories – perhaps the one where they describe how early explorers mistook the penguins for people – to convey the working weather conditions down there. The closest approximation for me would be our unheated bedroom, when, in the dead of winter, Diane says, “Open the window, we need the fresh air.”

    Comment by michael — February 14, 2006 @ 11:37 am

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