The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Ware St., Cambridge

Kitchen Duty
My brother Brian and Diane.

My apologies to anyone whose comments I accidentally erased. The blog receives an eviland vicious amount of spam from online poker sites, body part enhancers and viagra makers, and in my hurry to delete the three hundred or so posts to the comment sections I obliterated a few innocent ones.

Taken at a car show in a local mall in Evansville.

My niece, Seah, and someone few people will remember, Jayne Dearth. Jayne dated my brother, Peter, and lived with us for a short time on Beacon St. in Somerville.

posted by michael at 6:46 am  


  1. (I know, it’s supposed to be “on”…….. web address format license).

    Nice montage, and nice life-mining. That’s a Brian I’ve never seen, myself, and mighty breezily handsome, too. And while I’ve maybe met a more adult Seah only once and maybe for about 15 seconds, that’s an especially lovely shot of her hugging Jayne, even without any related memory. You can feel her intensity. And Jayne just glows. BeaUtiful!

    Comment by chrome fan — February 25, 2005 @ 7:52 am

  2. That picture of Jane with Seah is just too sweet. Those little white gloves, such a thing of the past.

    Comment by chris — February 25, 2005 @ 12:27 pm

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