The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003



Matt and I are replacing this bench that sits at the edge of wetlands behind a neighbor’s house. Somewhat daunting, because we have to wear hip waders and pound posts into a mucky bottom, but also a fun challenge. The new bench will sit on a five by eight foot platform, and because we can’t stake it out to square it, placing the four posts (we did that yesterday) is sketchy at best. But with Matt’s keen sense of geometry, and from his vantage point on dry leaves, not dry land, we did a pretty fair job.
This same neighbor, who lives on the other side of Mary and Dolly, told me yesterday how upset Mary was that she didn’t get a single trick or treater on Halloween. She did say, however, that she had to shoo some kids away who came on the wrong night.
Thanks to all those who offered editing ideas. I implemented many but I couldn’t add more dialogue. I’m all dialogued out. If the story lives past this Thursday, I’ll add more to it.

posted by Michael at 7:02 am  

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Turn The Page

I followed the advice of two people, Henry for one, who suggested that I not continue to edit old stuff, but instead, write something new. I did that, following this prompt from my instructor: ì The assignment for the class to be held on November 13th: In whatever you hand in for feedback, please try to include one or more descriptive passages.î

Here is the work in progress, which I have to send off by Wednesday. I’d appreciate editing comments.


ìIf you get a chance, Iíd like you to read my book.î

His book, John thought. The guy is a resident, moonlighting in the emergency room, and heís training to be an ophthalmologist – how could he have time to write a book?

ìWhatís the title?î John shouted to Dr. Benton, as he walked up the first flight of stairs, moving away from John, who had stopped at the bottom. Information had to be passed quickly.

ìThe life of an Intern.î The lanky physician reached into his black shoulder bag and retrieved a dog-eared copy with the price clipped from the inside of the dust jacket. He was near the top of the stairs when he tossed the book, underhanded, over the railing. It landed with back cover, Dr. Robert Bentonís face up, in Johnís hands. From a distance John heard, ëYou can read my copy, but you have to give it back.î

Ambling to the cafeteria, he flipped the book over, opened the hard cover and read the introductory blurb: ìDr. Walker, in his first weeks of internship, is tired and a little afraid. He has forgotten when he last slept, but knows in the coming hours heíll have to make life and death decisions, deal with nurses who often know more than he, cope with worried relatives, and pretend to be what he has yet to become – a qualified doctor.î

Diane, sixteen years and a few hours old, ran to keep up with her friends as they squeezed through the silver chain-link fence cut from the tarnished metal post. This fence was built to keep everyone from taking shortcuts to shops and restaurants on Somerville Ave, but enterprising teenagers had long ago cut through the diamond shaped links, creating this path across the high speed rails to the street on the other side.

Diane followed, always, but not because she was slower than her classmates. She was a track and field star with promise of State records in the quarter mile, but as the oldest in her family of five, she looked out for others. This time, though, she snagged her letter jacket on the fence and worked to free herself. She heard the clack, clack, clack of the train, the shrill of the whistle, and saw the backs of her friends as they sprinted across the tracks. She pulled away from the last link, ran down the embankment, but lost the race, the first of her sophomore year, to the west bound commuter rail.


John was sitting at his desk in the Respiratory Therapy office, chin on one palm, gazing out the window when the ambulance arrived. It bounced off the asphalt at the bottom of the ramp, sparks flying, and screeched up the short hill to the emergency roomís automatic, buffed steel and glass, doors. Not waiting for the Stat call to his office, John hurried to the trauma room and winced when he saw a deliberate pattern of red drops crossing the black and white scrubbed linoleum. Blood, he thought, is usually confined: to the stretcher, to the trauma room. It almost never leads to the patient like bread crumbs.

He pushed through the single swinging door, walked to Dianeís side and slipped his left hand under her unblemished chin, replacing the ambulance driverís right hand with his, on the Ambu bag.

ìWhat happened?î John turned to Mel, the nurse dressed in pleated white pants and blue top, struggling to find a vein for the IV.

ìHit by a train.î

Dr. Benton stood at the foot of the stretcher, stethoscope around his neck, but without his proper, dust jacket pose. He was flustered and trying hard not to show it.

ìWe better call an Orthopod for that foot,î Mel urged.

ìOkay, okay, letís do that now,î Dr Benton responded.

ìAnd her BP is falling, may have a flail chest, how about the Thoracic Team? I think Phillips is on callî

John has the observing position in these situations. He maintains the airway, but besides relieving whomever might be doing chest compressions, he stands, and watches. It upset him to see the physician in charge, not in charge. He had been to many failed resuscitations but this one he was desperate not to lose. Diane was so young, so pretty and other than her foot dangling off the stretcher, she didnít look like sheíd been hit by a train. But, she needed skillful care to survive and Dr. Benton, the ophthalmologist to be, knew it.

ìWhat about blood gases?î John asked. The test was as basic as monitoring heart rate, why wasnít Dr Benton shouting these orders?

With the exception of a piercing scream when the orthopedic surgeon snapped her foot back on her ankle, Diane was mostly unresponsive. Nothing to needle sticks, and only moans when the chest tube was inserted. Soon after her scream, her blood pressure began to fall, her pulse rate slowed and it was evident that her internal injuries might take her life.

John compressed the Ambu bag, and continued to hope Diane would recover. When Dr Phillips, the chest surgeon moved close to his side, John turned and asked.

ìWhat do we do now?î

ìPray,î Dr. Phillips responded without hesitation, as though he knew the question in advance.

ìPray,î John looked backed quizzically.

ìPray that she doesnít live.î


The waiting room, long and narrow, with one wall of windows had uncomfortable, rigid chairs with metal frames. If you followed the black and white linoleum tiles that covered the trauma room you would find yourself in this room. Far in the back, huddled in a group, some holding hands, others crying, were Dianeís friends; those who made it across the tracks in front of the train, and others summoned after the ambulance whisked her away.

Bill, his full name William Jennings Brown, labored in the emergency room for almost three years, ever since his tour of duty in Vietnam ended. He stood ramrod straight, his reddish brown hair a trifle longer than heíd worn it as a medic. His training was thorough,his battlefield experiences brutal, his bedside manner, unflinching. He shouldnít be standing here, bearer of news, this wasnít his role. But Dr Benton was nowhere to be found.

Bill looked down at all the faces in the waiting room and asked in loud, firm voice, ìWho is here for Diane Reed?î

Heads raised, hands clenched tightly, young, unlined faces turned: expectantly, hopefully, tearfully.

ìSheís dead.î

And Mel walked away.

posted by Michael at 7:02 am  

Monday, November 10, 2003


Got a caption for what’s going on here?
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posted by Michael at 8:28 am  

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Kicking Back

I can’t remember, but I think I was chopping wood, cleaning the
inside of the canoes, preparing meals, doing jumping jacks, and
practicing knife throwing while Mark and Adam were laying about.
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After two hours, Mark summons the strength to lift his left arm.
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posted by Michael at 8:45 am  

Saturday, November 8, 2003


This is the visit to my dentist, Dr. P, before Pian NO NO NOOO. The molar first has to be ground and shaped to accept the crown.

ìWould you like gas and Novocaine?î

ìGas and Novocaine? What, are you joking? Some people want both?î

ìDonít judge, I have many patients who need the relaxing effect of gas. It depends on how traumatized they were in the pastî

ìOh, come on, I grew up with reusable needles that resembled harpoons and drills that rotated as fast as my food mixer, and I wouldnít ask for both. Novocain is plenty.î

ìBut some do need both and thatís why I offer it. And there are some that use nothing.î

ìNothing, what do you mean nothing.î

ìNothing means nothing.î

ìWait a minute. You get in there with your drill like a construction worker jackhammering pavement, without Novocaine?

ìThatís right, they donít want their lips numb afterwards. I guess itís their tradeoff.î

I realized I had grabbed a swinging vine and was touching both shores, but I continued.

ìAnd how did they ever get to the point where they knew they could tolerate it? I mean, you start chipping away and then they scream? Or not?î

ìI couldnít do it, but thatís what I mean about judging others. You should avoid it.”

Dr P then raised his needle, grabbed my cheek with his thumb and forefinger and did that pulling, shaking, distracting thing while jabbing and filling my gum with Novocain, after which, he left the room. Gotta give Novocaine time to take effect. I put my glasses back on and flipped through the latest People Magazine. I get pop cultured in both the dentistsí chair and when Chris drops off her latest Vanity Fair.

He was gone about five minutes and when he returned I probed with my tongue and detected some sensation near my soon to be hacked off molar, but I kept quiet. I didnít want to be jabbed again, I too hate that numbing, drooling sensation and besides, he always over does it with the pain killer.

Amy lowered my chair and as I stared into the three dimensional Alice in Wonderland artwork above, Dr P went to work with his drill. The enamel began to fly and that awful burning smell filled my nostrils which is okay, but what wasnít so okay, is that I could feel everything. I kept thinking, This canít be, itís my imagination.

I must have grimaced because Dr. P asked,

ìAre you doing okay?î

I nodded my head.

ìAre you sure?î

I nodded again.

This office could be a federally designated Pain Free Zone. I always feel better after the visit than before, but not this time. I felt every chip, not just flying off my tooth, but as it ricocheted against my pink cheeks. When he used the air gun to dry the stump, I had Frankensteinian images of directed lightning bolts, but the worst was the rope that he stuffs into the gums around the stump that confines the mold for the temporary crown. I saw Anthony Bates plunging his hunting knife in again and again.

You might wonder why I didnít complain. I would reply, how could I? I had made fun of the gas and Novocaine wimps, and in a backwards, only a guy, could twist a conversation this way, Dr. P had implied I was a sissy for using anything. And, I kept believing, given all the Novocainehe injected, that I was making it up.

Finally, mercifully it was all over and Amy was raising my chair. Dr P had picked up on my discomfort because he looked at me and said, ìYou felt it, didnít you?î

I nodded.

ëGuess what? You now know what I meant by nothing.

Stolen from Steven’s New Yorker
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posted by Michael at 11:38 am  

Friday, November 7, 2003


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Diane, and Matthew for that matter, both hate it when I “speak” for them.
I’m not sure Matt would mind if I occasionally got it right. Nevertheless, given
that I have nothing else to say, here are the comments that might have otherwise been posted :

Rakkity “The boat shot looks a lot like one in Colors, uploaded on October 13, at 6:30 AM.”
Adam – “Finally, some people pics.”
Henry – “Enough with the camping trip.”
Diane – “It’s Friday, all is good.”
Matt – “Don’t get distracted, we have an alternator to install tomorrow.”
HO – “You should enter these photos in a contest and while you are at it, send
your stories to The New Yorker.”
Jan – “Remember, No Nude Photographs!”
Q – “Forget the blog, tune up your chainsaw.”
Mark – “Next year, let’s go to Glacier.”
Dan – “Someone should teach you about commas.”
Chris…… I can’t do Chris but I can add this anecdote about Matthew, her youngest( 7 yrs) son. His teacher is two weeks into her maternity leave when he comes home and says:
“Of course I’m on the edge of sadness with Mrs. MacLean gone”.

posted by Michael at 5:54 am  

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Digital Image

Adam Kibbe

The things I do to relate to Michael…….. Going pycho on PhotoSIG was one thing, dragging out every literary affectation in the guise of advancing ìwritingî skills yet another. And swimming in freezing lakes every October a particularly glaring example of sycophancy. But to try on self-mutilation……… Well, thereíd be lots wrong with that vector of worship. Which isnít what happened, of course, but the perverse thought process took place anyway, hence this spurious start to a quick chronicle of recent trauma.

Iíve been building a bed for our soon-to-be-two-year-old grandson, Ivan, and two nights ago I was trying to make some round ìwheelsî when I got a finger badly hacked up by a router bit. I could explain the physics, but itíd be gruesome. Arguably pointless, though fascinating — the improbability of the injury is in fact tantamount to a miracle. Had any one of a dozen details been different, Iídíve simply sprayed some or all of that finger about the shop like so much sawdust, and with as much chance of reattachment. Which is none. As it happens, I split the end of it off both sides of the bone from the tip past the first knuckle (almost 1-1/2î in on my jumbo hands). Nicked the bone on the larger cut. Rather than make sawdust, I got two pretty clean cuts, but all parts partly still attached. Miraculous.

The second miracle (unless you count my wifeís breathless drive to the emergency room), was a gifted plastic surgeon on call. He arrived less than an hour after we did and left me about two hours later with what looked a lot like the finger I remember from a week ago, albeit a bit Frankenstein-jigsaw-puzzly. But ìtogetherî again. Some caution on what might follow — should some of the more badly damaged periphery yet die, it might leave bone exposed and necessitate some transplant grafting, which would involve sewing the damaged finger to a donor piece (maybe a flap from another finger, possibly even into my side), leaving it attached until the transplant ìtookî on the damaged finger, then cutting it free from the donor site. Ornate, protracted, sorta cool, but kinda grotesque, too.

And thankfully unnecessary. I just got back from my first follow up, the first look since it disappeared under bandages at emergency, and even heís pleased with his handiwork. Some ìedgesî might not pull through, so bits might yet get trimmed away. But no amputation, no transplants. Miraculous.

The last two days have been an odd limbo. Iíve been flat out since beginning the addition back in May, and I shifted gears into Ivanís bed with hardly a pause. All of which came to a crashing halt in a violent moment of stupidity in my newly outfitted basement shop. Then came serious painkillers and waiting two days for a follow up examination. Iíve napped more than I otherwise have all year, and while I handled some work by phone, others graciously took on some of my commitments, leaving me with my wonderful nurse-wife to pray, heal, and ponder what there was to learn from this.

I learned a lot of geek-knowledge in the hospital. Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Plastic Surgeon of Chelmsford, MA, was very kind about being dragged from his home late at night for my carnage, and beyond patient with my drug-accelerated incessant denial-patter on all topics from breast implants to how much his cool magnifier goggles cost, and all manner of off-topics in between.

But as Iíve gazed from semi-comfy moments on the couch at home up at squirrels making winter homes high in tall, wind-blown trees, wisps of wisdom have flirted with my drug-addled mind. Michael took me to task for being out of balance. I donít know that I concur, but his pointís worth considering. I certainly donít chalk the damage I did myself to obsession, fatigue, haste, or anything like that. And isnít building my own nest, to share with Tricia, and a bed to incubate the dreams of my grandson worthy of all the time I wish to devote? What else should ìbalanceî that out? I can say that this is an extremely inappropriate path to justify a nap, but as a means to worhy ends……

No, if lesson there is — and at times I DO feel a tug towards a belief in fate, and purpose — then it lies elsewhere. In the fragility and near-illusion of control, as entropy and the laws of physics carry on whether we pay them heed or not. In the deep regard friends can bestow when the mere communication of it is the single most important service they can render, even as they offer more mundane assistance. In the passage of ìtimeî as the clouds and the trees know it, not a stream in which we phase-crippled mammals can bathe permanently, but beside which we can sit and dangle our bare feet more than we do.

All worthy lessons are not learned easily, and I donít know that Iím even looking in the right place. These have been uneasy days as measured by my mind and my brutalized body, but in them I have found some ease, though I did not know I was looking.

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posted by Michael at 6:30 am  

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Sticker Shock

In the old days of yearly auto inspections, the owner drove the car into the garage bay, operated the horn, blinkers, lights, etc., then waited in the car for the emissions test to be completed. No more. Now your vehicle is taken from you and after fifteen minutes, returned with a sticker the color of the month, or bright red, indicating failure.

I assumed the BMW would fail, even after I slathered epoxy over the various holes in the muffler. It starts intermittently, the lights work only when they want to and those tires, if they were jars of jam, would be way past their expiration date.

I intended to wait until Matt returned home from school, and then have it inspected but when he called to say he was going to lift weights for an hour with his buddies, I closed the hood, checked the tail lights one more time and raced out of the driveway. The closest garage is three minutes from our house and I was barely out of my car when the mechanic said, ìWhere is your license plate?î

I jumped back in the car, raced home, drilled out the front bumper for the front plate (In our fair state if you have a white plate with green numbers you only need one plate, if you have a white plate with red numbers you need two plates), found screws to attach it, and again squealed (ah, that new clutch) out of the driveway. I was running out of time if I was going to get this done and present Matt with his stickered car.

At the first bend on Central St., I heard something metallic hit the street. I looked back, saw a hub cap bouncing into the grass, not the license plate, and kept going. I knew how excited Matt would be to drive his friends home, in his car, legally. And a red sticker means you have two months to find a new muffler, replace the tires, whatever.

Taking no chances, I left the car running for the mechanic. I plopped down on the flimsy plastic bench with my Diet Coke and Boston Herald, and waited for the verdict. Ten minutes later – no emissions tests on this antique-the car is backed out of the garage with a new orange sticker.

posted by Michael at 7:00 am  

Saturday, November 1, 2003

You Can Count On Me

Dan Downing

I once had this precious little son. He was the most sparkling, alive, friendly, curious, intelligent, little boy any dad could hope for.

When he was still too young to walk, I used to carry him in this little blue snuggly on my back, and weíd go for a walk in Menotomy Rocks Parks, just a block from where we lived in Arlington. We used to talk to, and then hug, our favorite trees. It was our own private time; it was our own special world.

But life throws us curve balls ñ or more like, we chose curved paths that lead us into unexplored by-ways ñ and we sometimes get scaredÖand may believe ourselves at dead ends. When we do, we may jump off that trail completely; and this creates discontinuities that we hide from, hurt from, live with, for a lifeime.

Fast forward twenty-five years or so.

Today, that beautiful, sparkling, intelligent, sweet boy, is a man. An intelligent, deep thinking, creative young man.

Today we walked nine holes around a small par-3 course in Lexington, hitting the ball, laughing, talking. We talked intimately about growing up, about events and decisions in our lives that are painful to face, difficult to reveal. We talked about our tastes in literature, how they differ, what they share. A common thread of our conversation was roads taken and not, that sometimes separate us from parts of ourselves, bringing loss, pain, self-doubt, denial, depressionÖand then re-birth.

We enjoyed the warm Fall day together, had lunch, took the trash to the dump, made a deposit at the ATM. When we parted, we hugged and kissed, with lightness in our hearts, agreeing to do this again.

After dinner Linda and I watched a movie.

Two young childrenís parents are killed in a car accident in the first scene. Fast forward twenty years or so. The girl is living in the house their parents left them. She has a nine-year-old boy, a job at the local bank, and a no-good husband that abandoned them years ago. Her younger brother, a confused young man with a couple of scrapes with the law in his background, arrives in town, ostensibly to visit her, but really just asking for money. He ends up staying awhile.

Fast-forward some more, through scenes where they work at piecing their estranged relationship back together, not without missteps, even as they continue to struggle through their own paths, not always making the best choices. They manage to strengthen their bond more, work through some old stuff.

In the end, the brother decides he must leave again, to go back and pick up some abandoned pieces of his own life. His sister waits at the bus stop with him, fretting that she will never see him again.

To reassure, he turns to her: ìDo you remember what we used to say to each other when we were kids?î

ìOf course I do!î

They embrace, there are tears.

As the bus rides off and the credits roll, my own tears rush out, propelled by a deep crying for a time lost, for pain inflicted and felt, for the memory and the joy of my beautiful little boy.

But I say to him, now a fine man in his own right, a renewed joy in my life, what the movie by the same title left unsaid, but was obviously the siblingsí bonding promise.

ìYou can count on me.î

posted by Dan at 10:17 pm  

Saturday, November 1, 2003

In the Clutch

Ethereal early morning mist witnessed by the lone early riser.
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While Matthew was at work, Diane and I schlepped off to Alpha Automotive to dispute the extra charges that added some five hundred hard earned American dollars to the already exorbitant bill, and to hopefully drive the car home, inspection stickerless, in the dead of night.

I badgered, first Dmitry and then Leonard, until both Diane and I wanted them to shut-up and stop telling us about how the pressure plate was the last one for this model-on earth, and how much each bushing cost, and how much money they had lost because they would begin work, stop, order a part, start, stop again and on and on.

Before I left, I asked Leonard how is it that everyone, Dmitry and all the help, were from the same place, meaning Russia. He replied, in a muffled tone, that it was all a coincidence and besides, they were not from the same place, he was from St. Petersburg, Dmitry, from Moscow… .

We walked outside to find the BMW idling and ready for its short journey home. I told Diane to follow and just as before, when I left Tech Central all those months ago with Matt in tow, I pulled out right in front of a fast moving vehicle. This time, not a truck, but a sports car with both his head and fog lights blazing. However, and this is a big and important however fearing death and the end of Mattís coveted BMW, I stomped on the gas. And guess what, just like the old days, as in 1969, the white box with the huge steering wheel and tiny rear view mirror leaped ahead and out of harms way.

After seeing Adamís photos of The Room, I decided to post a few of my own. His focus on the big picture; I hope mine illustrate some of the details

posted by Michael at 11:07 am  
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