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Monday, November 24, 2003

Half Pepperoni

At the dinner table:

Diane : ” Matt…..whatz up?”

Matt, after a pregnant pause, “Don’t ever do that again.”

After I changed the battery in my remote starter (the key ring end of things)at about 10:30 last night, just as I was falling in Neverland, Matt walks into the bedroom and announces that my truck has just started itself. I muttered, “My keys are on my desk, press both buttons at the same time and it will shut off.”

On our way home from the supermarket today, I said to Matt. “Wait a minute, you were downstairs and the truck starts up, and you didn’t simply turn it off without bothering me?”

“Lets see if you can figure it out. It’s late, it’s cold and dark out, and all of a sudden I hear the truck turn on, and you’re asking me why I didn’t go outside to see what was up?”

My reliable remote starter had never exhibited signs of consciousness before, but after it started itself at 10:30, Diane woke me at about 2 AM to say that she heard the truck start up. This time I was so thoroughly ensconced in Neverland that I couldn’t rouse the brain cells to do more than stumble downstairs, turn the truck off from my remote, and then remove the remote’s battery. I’m pretty sure it didn’t start itself after that.
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posted by michael at 7:49 am  


  1. Hey,
    Damn straight i am not going outside at ten, especially when your truck is starting itself… and more importantly it was a bit cold. Anyway, next time aliens start your car in the middle of the night, it’s your turn to fix the problem. I ain’t going near that. And my mom’s use of Waz up, was not something i need to hear ever again.

    Comment by Damnstraight — November 25, 2003 @ 9:11 am

  2. So call me simple-minded, but if a device is capable of remote starting a vehicle, can it not also disable said vehicle equally remotely…..?

    And give your moms a break for a well-meant linguistic reach — time’ll come when “paying attention”, “relating”, and “reaching out” won’t seem embarrassments or crimes — yo……

    Comment by fogey — November 25, 2003 @ 11:13 am

  3. There’s always the “remote” (ha!) possibility that someone else’s device is starting your car. If the car starts up again sometime with the remote disabled, I’d check your neighbors–maybe its their garage door opener or cell phone or something. The frequency spectrum is getting pretty well saturated!

    Comment by rakkity — November 26, 2003 @ 5:52 pm

  4. What a stitch!
    I’d check to see if the spring that separates the contacts on the remote has weakened to the point that contact is easily being made. Or some similar mechanical problem.

    Literary questions:
    – I don’t get the title
    – I don’t get the relationship / transition btw dinner comment and faulty remote story
    – Matt’s response had me wondering what it was Diane had *done*.

    Comment by chuckling — November 27, 2003 @ 8:46 am

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