Girl On A Wall
Jaime and I have figured out that we’re just about the same person. I am her when she was my age. She did gymnastics till around the same age, we have similar backgrounds of Quakerness, care about many of the same things, think the same about many of the problems of life, etc. It’s fascinating. I love being about to talk to her.
Last night she came into the room and she said ®Well, I think Gladys just said ®no more parasites now that we have the water filter®. I thought she was always using one®. I did too. But the way she said it made me laugh so hard I cried.
I saw a huge iguana yesterday (and got a photo of it!)and told Jaime about it and then wanted to tell Carlos. So, I said ®CARLOS! Vi un… quÈ es? CÛmo se dice este?® And acted like an iguana. Or my idea of an iguana. I put my hands out with my fingers moving a little and opened my eyes wide and stuck my tongue in and out and looked over at Carlos. He looked a) totally confused and b) totally scared. Jaime was cracking up. We laughed and cried about it for about 5 minutes and then she mimicked me and said ®What am I? OH RIGHT! A crazy ass girl on a wall!® and we cried some more. ®Carlos, you need to understand that when you spend all day trying to speak another language, you can’t have fun. We’re just having fun in our own language!® said Jaime (in spanish). It was classic.
Love and Light, Hil
Los padres de la chica are desperately hoping that la chica and Jaime are NOT the same person. Jaime is quite sick (as of July 27), apparently with dengue fever, and la chica is due to leave Achuapa tomorrow (July 30). La hermana de la chica innocently asked, can’t you travel when you have dengue? The answer there is: yes, if someone puts you on the stretcher. And I don’t think movement increases your sense of well-being, but never mind.
Comment by la madre — July 29, 2005 @ 7:59 am