The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Video World


Peter popped onto my screen tonight using his iSight camera with iChat. T’was a positively mystical experience looking out his window and seeing palm trees waving with the ocean beyond.

posted by Michael at 8:56 pm  


  1. The traffic mavens have realtime cameras that show current activity on all major roads. One could conceive of a service (which probably exists, even if just as an approximation via the aggregate of non-systemically-related bits & pieces) whereby one could check the surf on a particular beach on Fiji, the weather in the Loire valley, and how many pilgrims were streaming up Mt. Fuji at any given actual moment.

    And yet, there are those who feel there are too many cameras as it is … What if covert cameras were truly taboo and all not on private property (even highway and stoplight ones) by law had ISP’s and could be accessed by all citenzry anytime, even recorded? Better, or worse?

    Meanwhile, familial bonding is unimpeachable and swaying palms seen from Acton pretty cool. Think Peter was as moved by your background?

    Comment by adam — July 19, 2005 @ 8:57 am

  2. He was more moved by my image. He said half of me looked stuffed and the other half looked like it should be stuffed. Know any good taxidermists?

    Comment by michael — July 19, 2005 @ 12:22 pm

  3. This has been a test of the Surreptitious Posting System. Had there been an actual post, notice would have been given to the readership in the form of a titled post with current date. The management obviously reserves the right to slip damn anything it pleases in under the radar screens without notice. We hope you have in no way been inconvenienced by this stealth historical revisionism and now return you to your regularly unscheduled blog reading …

    Comment by reader — July 21, 2005 @ 10:23 am

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