The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Matthew Returns From Spain

Diane, Robbie and Joe wait for Matthew to clear customs.
The connecting tunnel form terminal E to Central Parking.
On the way home Matt talked about the architecture (of which he took many photographs), the museums (they are everywhere), the helpful and not so helpful people, the restaurants, the beaches (smiling at the thought), the painful train rides, the language (he and Cel had them all covered), the cops (laid back compared to ours), customs in France (non-existent), dinners (at midnight) and pretty much anything else that could be squeezed into an hourís car ride. He was so talkative weíre thinking of throwing him on a plane every month or so.

Photo Gallery to come.

posted by Michael at 5:59 am  


  1. I’m glad Matt is home!! Thanks for letting him come visit me in Spain, we both had such an awesome time. I’ll see you all in a week and a half back in Acton. A bientot!!!

    Comment by Celeste — July 6, 2005 @ 6:26 am

  2. We’re glad too, although as I write this he is sound asleep ( 5:30 PM). I think you wore the poor guy out. Since I know you are around, I’ll try to get some of his photos posted in the next day or so.

    Comment by michael — July 6, 2005 @ 5:30 pm

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