The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Suburban Stormwatching

While I was in Evansville a friend emailed this account of a recent night spent enjoying a thunderstorm. Ever-hungry for effortless posts, I cajoled them into letting me post it (actually, for true effortlessness, I emailed it to Adam and asked him to post it for me while I drive). Besides, I loved the story.


The finally-summerlike weather offered quite the thunderstorm show last night, some of it quite impressive, with occasional torrential downpours. We spent almost the entire evening with all our lights turned off, watching the lightning through the windows and skylights and listening to the visceral thunder through the open screens. Laying about in the night heat, with clothes open and emotions dialed up from the storm’s energy and the rain’s sounds and smells, we soon found ourselves enjoying each other in the lightning-strobed darkness, for quite a delicious while. Struck by a whim in the sweaty aftermath, I ran outside naked in the rain to cool off, and stood there feeling quite exposed, but amazing. Shortly after drying off, I was tempted by a particularly dense downpour to immediately reindulge that caprice, and inspired by my persistence my Naked Maja of a wife followed, though more fleetingly. Which led to a celebratory shot of tequila (you’d’a thunk that had come earlier), which prompted an encore of standing outside in the rain, shivering together in our birthday suits. That in turn led to an even more protracted and varied recurrence of the pleasures of the flesh, and finally more laying about lightning-watching. All of which kept us up with the rain and thunder pretty late, and finally to bed quite delightfully exhausted. A wonderful night — we’re never too old to be young.

posted by Michael at 10:54 am  


  1. Does the Naked Maja fully appreciate the reference?

    Comment by michael — June 13, 2005 @ 9:47 am

  2. Anonymous? C’mon! Show thyselves! (You can’t hide Mike!)

    The lighting and rain half of that story reminds of one naked self on a stormy night on Maine’s Popham Beach, oh so many wasted youthful years ago…

    Comment by smiling — June 13, 2005 @ 9:36 pm

  3. I did it again, and I tried so hard not to. Another ninety or so spam comments were zapped along with two comments from this entry.

    I know one said:

    Wow, Whoa! It’s so good to see that there is still life out there.

    And the other something like:
    I was walking my dog in the rain while you were frolicking in the rain.

    Mea Culpa

    Comment by michael — June 14, 2005 @ 5:08 pm

  4. We wondered if we scandalized any neighbors, but given the sheer volume of cats and dogs falling, that seemed unlikely. No blackmail or Moral Majority pamphlets in the mailbox subsequently, either.

    You got two of 4, far’s I can tell. The first kindly complimented the “lovely, erotic love letter”.

    P.S. The “address” is kidding. No ill effects.

    Comment by Maja's Groom — June 14, 2005 @ 5:27 pm

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