My father drummed darkness
Through the underbrush
Until lightning struck
I take after him
Clouds crowd the sky
Around me as I run
Downhill on a high–
I am my motherÃs son
Born long ago
In the stormÃs eye
Samuel Menashe
I talked to my sister yesterday. The conversation’s theme the same as it has been for weeks – what to do with our parents? However, this time we ended with a tidy plan.
I said, “LetÃs keep it a secret for now.â€
Fifteen minutes later my brother, Brian, called. He told me his flight back from Evansville was flawless. “Greased”â€is the word he used. I told him it was payback given how difficult his visit had been. He continued, “But that’s not the real reason I called. Joan told me you had a secret plan… .â€
Diane and I danced in the kitchen last night while we prepared dinner. We listened to Willie Nelson sing from his greatest hits album – songs like Remember Me and Georgia on my Mind.
“If only the music were better,†Diane whispered in my ear.
“I love this music.â€
“I know. IÃm afraid weÃre going to end up in the South listening to Country and Western.”
“And Old Time Radio.”
Matt brought his tux home last night for his upcoming prom on the 28th. He has been pretty quiet about the event, but not Diane. Holy cow. YouÃda thought it was her prom. “When are you getting picked up in the limo? When can we take pictures? Will other parents be there? What are you doing afterwards? Are you staying out all night? When does the tux have to be returned.”
Peter leaves Evansville this morning for an almost two week conference in San Fransico.
Good questions all Diane. The most important being “what are you doing afterwards”. Show us pictures.
Comment by other mom — May 26, 2005 @ 7:41 am
I said to Fierce Baby just last night, “I hope there will be pictures”.
Comment by shinydome — May 26, 2005 @ 10:00 am
Is it a genetic defect when sisters who are not fond (understatement) of country music both marry men who are? At least Shinydome will never want us to move south!
I responded to Jimmy Joe re prom pix that both Michael and Matthew had promised there would be lots.
Comment by Fierce Baby — May 26, 2005 @ 11:59 am
Has no one asked with whom Matt proposes to attend said prom? As in “Who’s his date?”, if that be not too defined a term…
I recently made it through one of Mike’s current top ten, Springsteen’s “Devils and Dust”. Not country, exactly, and not that some of it isn’t lyrically brilliant, but the iterativeness and moan of the music evoke desolation, alternating with a frenetic response to same. Less likable than elemental, for me, definitely a matter of taste.
I gather Pete and Brian double-teamed the ‘rents — is this Mack & Helen’s first period as but a couple again in awhile?
Comment by all-but-uncle — May 26, 2005 @ 12:22 pm
Someone somewhere should be collecting and archiving these most creative email addresses. Do you suppose there exists another blog where its users add as much content to the address as to the actual comment? I think not.
Her name is Debbie.
Another laugh out loud line, ìI recently made it though… .î
You are correct, this is the first time in nearly three months they wonÃt have intrusive children to cope with. My father said, ìGive us a couple days (alone).î
Might I add that my taste for country music is of recent origin. Back in the day, I was totally on DianeÃs side. However, one might also ask, is Willie Nelson really country?
IÃm reminded me of the time I cued up a Dolly and Willie duet for Adam…years of carefully presenting who I am, down the drain.
Will there be pictures? You ask this of the man whose camera is never more than an arm lengths away. That reminds me of ìHeÃs as frustrated as short armed trombone player.î Sam Spade, ìThe Lawyer and The Lady.î
Comment by michael — May 26, 2005 @ 12:55 pm
Me too….I didn’t like country music ever until last year. In fact, I disdained it. As I never listen to the radio I’m not sure how I’ve exposed myself to it, but I have. I agree with you about Willie Nelson, is he really country? Him I’ve been a fan of for a long time and I think he transcends genre much the same way Ray Charles did.
Comment by other mom — May 26, 2005 @ 4:08 pm
Trouble is there are many “kinds” of country music. My “kind” is from the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Eddy Arnold, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, etc. For anyone who thinks country music is worthless, I recommend the Ray Charles album “Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music”
Comment by shinydome — May 26, 2005 @ 4:56 pm
So, what’s the secret plan? BTW, part of successfully keeping a secret is not mentioning that you have one.
Comment by jennifer — May 26, 2005 @ 8:57 pm
I confess I donÃt much like so called new country music stars. I do like the wrist slitting, twangy, old time, woe-is-me music sung by folks like Hank Williams senior. In fact, if someone has an mp3 version of his IÃm So Lonesome I Could Cry, please send it me my way.
I wonder if shinydome is allowed to play music that he likes, but which grates on his wife? Maybe his house is large enough to allow him that freedom.
Comment by michael — May 26, 2005 @ 10:52 pm
Gee, I wonder who that “someone” could be! Let me know when you have your new computer and I’ll send you anything you want. I’m learning to be a Hank Williams fan, though only if his songs are sung by people other than Hank Williams.
Comment by other mom — May 27, 2005 @ 8:52 am
How could someone who knows Shinydome even suggest that someone else might have some say about what kind of music blares from his den! Of course, anyone who knows Fierce Baby knows that she also plays her kind of music at will.
Comment by Fierce Baby — May 27, 2005 @ 9:42 am
Chuckle, chuckle. Yeah, well, if I dared to play Hank in this house the walls would surely come a tumbling down.
Comment by michael — May 27, 2005 @ 12:18 pm
You mean a rousing version of “goodbye Joe, we gotta go, me oh my oh…gotta go pull the pirogue down the bayou” isn’t in the cards!
Comment by other mom — May 27, 2005 @ 1:50 pm
Michael, tell us how “Descent” relates to secrets. I still don’t get it, but I do love it.
Comment by jennifer — May 27, 2005 @ 11:15 pm