The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, December 6, 2004

Tres Stooopeeed


Two Sundays ago, Rick played his last piano gig of the year. I’d hoped he’d play holiday music, but he did not. Dan, who sometimes joins us, brought his poodle, Paxie. I’m still amazed at how that dog brightens Flo’s compatriots. Everyone wants to hold her, everyone but Lois(seated next to Flo). Lois told me she never had a pet growing up and regretted it, because now, she doesn’t like animals.

Lois taught French in high school and when I told her Dan spoke Frenc, she instantly engaged him in conversation. She then turned to me and said, well, I don’t know what she said, and I told her so. “Dan speaks French. I don’t. “ Lois turned back to Dan and said something about me with the word stupid in it. I know because it was unmistakable – stooopeeed. Dan laughed, I laughed, even Lois laughed. Dan egged her on, “You mean tres stooopeeed.”

posted by michael at 8:04 pm  


  1. Aptly and hilariously summarized, Mike!
    (How much snow fell??)

    Comment by smiling — December 7, 2004 @ 9:35 pm

  2. Tres bon! I’ve a hard time imagining Paxie’s quivering, almost phase-shifting energy amidst the slow-mo life, but bravo for the empathic reach to bring her!

    Now what do the C.P. inmates do for entertainment until Rick gets back from his gig playing cruise ships (or whatever takes him elsewhere)?

    Comment by currently dogless — December 8, 2004 @ 7:52 am

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