The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hil's First Email

Well hello there! I just showed my `sister` that picture of me cuando era
joven. `QuÈ bonita!` – Marguina. `QuÈ blanca!` – yo.
I got here yesterday afternoon and now IÂ¥m here in a tiny little town called
Achuapa, about an hour from EstelÌ. It¥s only 20 km or so from a town named
Sauce (pronounced with the e at the end) but it takes approximately 45
minutes from there since the roads are just great. Wonderful. Perfect. The
government definitely does it¥s job when it comes to taking care of the poor
here. It took 4 hours to get here all together.
IÂ¥ll hopefully start helping in the library tomorrow, since the librarian is
I-don¥t-know-where right now. I brought down a lot of coloring/playing
supplies AND a printer and 5 digital cameras. IÂ¥m going to teach some of the
kids here (15 is my max. More than that might kill me) how to take
photographs, what to look for in framing a photo, boundaries, light, motion,
etc. It¥s going to be frickin¥ impossible. Hopefully fun at the same time.
So I just sent an email to my parents and read an email from my friend
Deanna and then the hotmail site stopped working, but please everyone feel
free to write to me! I can¥t exactly find the `at` button on the computer,
but my email is
Much love to you all, especially those of you who I know.
I hope Matt is accustoming himself to the US ok after his spectacular time
in Spain.
Love and Light, Hilary
P.S. So I tried to send this without putting at email address and it
wouldn¥t let me so I humbled myself and asked my sister, and you press Alt 6
4. Gotta love life…
So how are you, Miller/Canning people? I miss Acton a bunch, but not nearly
as bad as last year. But I¥ve only been here for about 24 hours. So that¥s
definitely going to change. The hotmail site just started working but the
blog won¥t let me post. Grrrr. It¥s pouring here. I want to go play in it. I
also don¥t want to get some gross disease from the mud. Damn flip-flops.
Much amor y luz, Hilary (Hilaria)

posted by Michael at 5:51 pm  


  1. Thanks, Hil, I hope you continue to update us. Hold on, let me take the word ìhopeí out of there. You better email us or Iíll shove another pin in my Hil-is-a-bad-girl voodoo doll.

    Life in Acton is superb. The weather is cool, early fall-like. Today it may rain.

    We havenít seen Matt since he arrived home fr*m Spain. Weíve heard him though. His car has a hole in the muffler and he sounds like distant rumbling thunder. Iíve been working with Chris on Chrisís porch and yesterday Matt drove by and waved. My mind was elsewhere.

    Chris. ìThat was Matt?î

    Me. ìWho was Matt?î

    Chris. ìHe just drove by and waved.î

    Me. ìI didnít see him.î

    Chris. ìOh my god, you were looking right at him.î


    I figure you won’t get really homesick until you get locked out of your house and realize Mateo is not there to bail you out.

    Comment by michael — July 14, 2005 @ 6:34 am

  2. Boy oh boy, Hil, what’d you ever do to him?

    Comment by some lady — July 14, 2005 @ 8:16 am

  3. He did not need to ®bail me out®. If he hadnÂ¥t been there I wouldÂ¥ve just… slept on the street! Lots of Nicaraguans can do it, why canÂ¥t I?!

    Comment by LaChica — July 14, 2005 @ 6:42 pm

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