Plymouth State
I helped Goose move into his new apartment yesterday in Plymouth, N.H., and I got a tour of his campus which went something like this. “That building is easy to climb because you’ve got hand holds there and there, and we sit on the roof of that one, and that one you can get up so far before terror sets in and that one … .†Not all that different from what I heard at I.U., “You can catch great rays in Sembower field.†Yeah, I did see dorms and classrooms but anyone can go to class, not everyone does this:
“See the crack on that building?â€
“What crack. I see a channel created between two walls where the door and windows are.â€
“That’s a crack. We climb it.â€
“What do you mean, you climb it?â€
“It’s a stretch but you can put your back against the wall and walk up.â€
“That’s wider than the door. How do you fit?â€
“I said it was as stretch.â€
“Then what? What happens when you get half way up and you’ve had enough? Fall to the pavement below?â€
“You can rest on the window sills.â€
“By you we’re talking about you, right?â€
“I made it to the roofâ€
“Does your mom know about this?â€
“She does now.â€
“Oh, god.â€
At the end of the day we hit the old mill where much of the partying goes on. There are cliffs to dive from and a bridge to risk your life on and a sandy beach bordering a fast moving river. I asked for this photo but once Goose scrambled onto the girder my stomach began those flip flops that I usually associate with other people. It was I who insisted he come back.
I’ve said it before, but it’s only a matter of time before I’m no longer allowed to play with him.
Here’s a photo gallery of his apartment, the diner where we ate lunch, around campus and the bridge. After your first mouse click you can use the arrow keys to advance. I know, it’s funky.
How is that a bridge … ? I mean, it’s a structure spanning a chasm, yes, but it appears to offer passage to nothing or no one not possessed of an utter disregard — whether reckless or serene — for convenience or safety (not to mention a healthy and willing suspension of disbelief). More of a performance art piece called “Bridge” … Wicked cool, though, and bravo Goose for suantering out. Love the buildering tale, too!
Comment by el Kib — August 26, 2008 @ 9:42 am
Here’s Goose’s next trick from the same so-called bridge.
Btw, El Kib still uses creative email addresses. Here’s his latest: delighted@theba.lls
Comment by michael — August 26, 2008 @ 10:55 am
Good thing I have such faith in Goose’s good judgement… I loved the photos and story. But that video! I won’t sleep tonight.
You all should go to see the movie: Man on a Wire.
Comment by BirdBrain — August 26, 2008 @ 12:16 pm
Wish I could see the gallery and the video, but my sister’s PC here in LA-LA land is not up to it. I’ll be back to my mighty minimac on Thurs, and hope to get sweaty palms seeing goose’s derring do. His exploits sound a lot like the buildering done on the CU campus
Nothing I’d ever do myself).
Comment by rakkity — August 26, 2008 @ 8:48 pm
My heart was in my throat when I saw that kid jump. Wow, takes me back. When I was a wee teen I jumped 40 feet into a quarry at the encouragement of my “friends” and some Asian tourists across the gorge who wanted the photo opp. It took every ounce of strength I had to fight my survival instinct to flee to safety, and I couldn’t believe I did it. Funny to think of me in someone’s album across the pacific.
Comment by Jen — August 27, 2008 @ 12:44 pm
“Buildering”–great word.
And to think I was impressed and proud of my 78 yr old dad for not just allowing but joining me and two of his college-age granddaughters as we climbed up a 6 foot cliff, crossed a 1 foot deep pool near the waterfall, and climbed up another 12 foot cliff. Goose puts that exploit in a different perspective.
Comment by jennifer — August 27, 2008 @ 8:01 pm
Woof. That wasn’t really Chris jumping off that bridge!?
Took me back briefly to jumping off into the lower Saco River — from what Mike, 40-50 feet? Landed in the sitting position and had bruised underthighs for weeks.
Comment by smiling dan — August 28, 2008 @ 8:41 am
Tommy O’Neill’s buildering exploits include climbing a dormitory tower route at CU Boulder much like the one goose did. Wow! Makes my adrenaline pulse just to think of it.
Comment by rakkity — August 30, 2008 @ 2:57 pm