South Boulder Creek Trail
My old buddy Chuck is hobbling around with an undiagnosible knee problem. First his doc told him he had a torn meniscus in his left knee. Then the MRI showed nothing. So he’s going to physical therapy, and his therapist told him to go do a lot of biking. He called me up and said, “I know a great bike trail, want to come?” A couple of weeks ago I would have begged off, but I’m nearly all healed up from my surgery and so off we went. We rode about 10 miles on dirt trails through some pretty prairie country along South Boulder Creek. I liked it so much, I took Beth on the best parts the very next day.
The wildflowers are all gone, except Milkweed seed pods but the fall colors are very fine, particularly with the Boulder mountains hanging in the background under the usual cerulean skies.The prairie dogs are scampering through the buffalo grass, having long since stored up haystacks in their holes for the coming long winter. The red-winged blackbirds have all flown south, but 2 days ago when I was walking on part of the same trail, a barn owl glided noiselessly down to a stump next to the creek and eyed me curiously for several minutes. The rainbow trout in the creek are hiding in the riffles, but the fishermen, poor fellows, are all sitting indoors watching the Broncos.
The rainbows must relish the respite …
Once again it’s apparent that you actually didn’t survive your surgery and are posting us from Valhalla. Splendid! Such a picturesque trail through such pristine beauty … Thanks for stuffing us into your fanny pack again!
P.S. Links to the last picture in the set seem to be broken.
Comment by el Kib — October 19, 2007 @ 8:07 am
ok. it’s settled…the next party is going to be hosted by rakkity.
Comment by BirdBrain — October 19, 2007 @ 11:41 am
Fixed the glitch in the last Valhalla shot.
Tomorrow I’ll try to get up to the snow country that we can see from down here in Boulder Valley when the storm clouds up there deign to lift. Two of Colorado’s ski areas opened up last week, both with an 18 inch base, and recently with another foot of fresh powder.
I’m puttering with my XC skiis, and scouring flea markets for some cheap snowshoes. This Sunday Boulder is supposed to get a little snow.
Comment by rakkity — October 19, 2007 @ 12:13 pm