My Room
As usual, I got an early start this morning, and that allowed me to hang around in Steubenville before stopping for the night in Kittanning, PA (Northeast of Pittsburgh).
Now, what do you suppose is opposite my queen sized bed? Another bed? Nope.
That looks useful. Unless, of course, you feel weird naked in a big space, as so many people not raised at nudist camps do.
Comment by Jennifer — March 2, 2007 @ 8:28 pm
Mike has no such hangups, wide open spaces (like Gilsum Woods) create no compunctions in Mike’s cerebellum. Richt, Michael?
Comment by rakkity — March 2, 2007 @ 11:07 pm
Mr. M. with his foot in the Grohe adds a tad of realism, but this is not one of the more realistic of the genre.
Comment by rakkity — March 2, 2007 @ 11:10 pm
Oh! You changed the link/photo! I was interested to read (before) that Steubenville commissioned the work to honor the “giant steel industry,” or something like that. (No wonder it’s oversized.) I enjoy something about the not-even-trying-to-trick-the-eye ones.
Comment by Jennifer — March 3, 2007 @ 7:51 am
(Oh, duh, that link is where it always was, with yesterday.)
Comment by Jennifer — March 3, 2007 @ 7:53 am
I’m not compuctionless, but you are right about that.
There are twenty-three murals in this town and even guided walking tours. Unfortunately, as time passes the murals assume the faded patina of the rest of the town. The shiniest things around are the cars.
On the way down I stayed in a high-end Marriott catering to strong-jawed, carefully-coifed, gray-suited business types with those straight ahead stares. This Comfort Inn with it’s scuffed furniture, in room Jacuzzi and late night tipsy guests is just the opposite. Everyone interacts and if I were closer to home, I might sell night-clerk Melody my Frontier.
Comment by michael — March 3, 2007 @ 9:57 am