Westward, HO!
Hi Mike,
We’ve finally decided how to get our worldly goods west for our big move from Bowie to Boulder. The Mrs looked at the costs of various ways to ship our furniture from MD to CO, and said to me last night,”After looking at the costs of paying movers, I think you’ve got to drive a U-Haul from here to Boulder.” Conveniently, she forgot that I had suggested this mode of transport some months ago (imagining another great road trip), and she had rejected it out of concern for me and my advanced age (late 40s, in case you ask, very late 40s).
But now the load has been put on my shoulders, and I’m looking forward to it. The trip starts on Dec 1 or 2 and ends in Boulder on or before Dec 6. Afterwards, I fly back to MD for 3 or 4 more weeks, before heading west permanantly.
Anyone want to come along? I’m thinking of stopping along the way in Evansville, and looking up my uncle Ed’s homestead, and the Miller homestead. And of course, in Ohio I’ve got to see one of Grohe’s murals with my own eyes.
Comment by michael — October 3, 2006 @ 9:03 pm
Want more temptation? I’ll bring a spare racquet so we can hit some balls at a court somewhere along the way.
Comment by rakkity — October 4, 2006 @ 9:56 am