The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Beijing Institute of Technology


You might wonder if I’ll be able to live up to my promise to connect to the blog from Beijing. But I have good reason to believe I’ll be able to. The meeting organizers seem to be very web cognizant, as evidenced by the VR tour that they provide from the COSPAR-Beijing web page. There doesn’t seem to be a direct, one-button route to the VR pages, but here is how to get there. 

1. Click

2. Click on the Beijing Institute of Technology banner on the map. -> New map

3. Click on the orange blinking Teaching Center, and wait for the panda to toddle over there.
You’re now on the 1st floor of the building where I’ll be on Monday or Tuesday?

4. Click on the VR-360 button. And scroll around the room. You can also go to the 2nd floor and look around.

I should be on that floor putting up my poster at some point. This VR thing is probably not a web cam, otherwise I’d arrange a time for you to look in on me! Remember, this is from what used to be a 3rd world country, not so long ago. 


posted by michael at 11:55 am  

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