Closer to Home
I’ve become quite fond of the water tower area. I know the terrain, I know approximately where I’ve looked, I know where the cairns are, and I know it’s safe. I could stray for miles but because the land rises the water tower and the town below are always in view.Today, John (above)introduced me to Pete’s neighbor, James, and I’m going to follow James’ advice and look closer to home. He watched Pete walk through surrounding vacant lots every morning carrying a cane to ward off the aggressive dogs and treats for those behind fences.  These  fields are denser than what’s above the water tower, and though the area is not as vast, it’s just as daunting. Maybe more so because the sight lines are so limited. Tomorrow morning I’ll meet James and he and I will walk together. Company’s good. The man’s got stories and he likes to tell them.
I like the plan. Wish I was there to walk with you guys… I feel like the man could not be far away, so easy to get lost in the brush.
Also for the record: I look forward to seeing you home, I don’t like that place. (Sorry Ken, just so many bad vibes for me.)
Comment by John B — October 26, 2011 @ 10:13 pm
And as you walk said “fields”, please be mindful of the guy who popped a cap off in Pete’s direction, presumably just for trespassing … But yeah, closer to home makes some sense.
Comment by Armchair posse — October 27, 2011 @ 6:50 am
More of a concern, at least to Mike, are rattlesnakes.
More of a concern to me are two of his last tenants who were abusive, manipulative and threatening. From stories I’ve heard, and under other circumstances, I might focus on them. They disappeared leaving security deposit money on the table.
Comment by michael — October 27, 2011 @ 7:18 am
The plot thickens …
Comment by Armchair posse — October 27, 2011 @ 7:30 am
If you die out there I am so going to kill you.
Comment by hil k — October 27, 2011 @ 9:13 am
No problem, John. That place creeps me out too.
Comment by Ken — October 27, 2011 @ 2:09 pm
And I ditto / echo hil’s comment…
Comment by ko — October 27, 2011 @ 2:54 pm
John B and Ken’s comments reminded me of Edward Abbey (a favorite author) who wrote, while in the desert: “Alone in the silence, I understand for a moment the dread which many feel in the presence of primeval desert… that unconscious fear which compels them to tame, alter or destroy what they cannot understand… and to reduce the wild and prehuman to mere human dimensions. Anything rather than confront directly the antehuman, that other world which frightens, not through danger or hostility, but in something far worse—its implacable indifference.â€
Comment by ko — October 27, 2011 @ 3:29 pm