The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


A must read.

posted by michael at 12:54 pm  

Sunday, November 30, 2008

LIfe and Photos

So, Jen Koeller keeps telling me I should send you photos you can put up on the blog. So here we are. The first 2 images are here in Cuautla, and the other image is in Guanajuato when I was there at the end of October for my vacation.

My house is kind of crazy (in a good way) right now. So, we had this horse when I first got here, and then last weekend someone stole Sentauro in the middle of the night. And it as a huge shock and everyone was sad and angry but there’s really just not very much you can do in that case. They contacted the police, etc, etc. So my dad kept saying that he was just going to buy a new horse, and my mom kept looking pissed off about that idea. Hah. But instead this morning he came back with A MILLION plants to put in the yard. So pretty much since 1pm my sisters and my dad have been working on planting these flowers and trees in the yard and in various beautiful pots. It’s kind of hilarious.

And these days Andrea, my niece, is here even more than she used to be. Her mom just switched jobs — to one that pays more, basically — but works from 11am to 8pm. Which means that she wakes up Andrea, brings her to school, comes to my house until 10:30am, goes to work, Andrea comes home from school at 1pm, and stays here until her mom comes to pick her up at 8:30pm. It’s super sad — Andrea asked me the other day why her mom switched jobs. And I said “Well, I think this one pays her more. What do you think?” And she was like “I never see her now. When she comes home I go to sleep.” It was just so sad.

Other than that, I’m just really ready to not be doing these classes anymore. All of my professors are pissing me off, for all different reasons. Ugh. There’s just nothing I can do about it. But, we actually only have one more week of classes? Wow, I just cannot believe that. At all. Time warp here, big time. This week I have to turn in the rough draft of my 20 page paper (I already wrote about 14 pages), plus a paper for my crappy literature class. And maybe a paper for my Mexican film class. And then the following week we’re just doing presentations about our projects and turning in the final draft of that paper. So all of that is totally crazy.

After classes end I’m going to go to Oaxaca with Isana for a couple days, coming back to Cuautla for a couple days, and then I’ll go to DF to meet the parentals! So that’s all exciting. I still haven’t figured out exactly what I’m doing for January… I really need to email some people this weekend so I can figure this out in the next week or two. Oh well. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to just fly right to DC on January 18th or so, since I really want to go to Obama’s inauguration. So that should be pretty freaking fantastic. I still have to figure stuff out with Maley — she’s thinking about driving down to DC with her roommates, and so ideally I can reunite with her and go to the inauguration with her and then drive back on the 21st or something. She’s going to Seville next semester, actually!.

I’m trying to think of other fun things to tell you. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving — I got a chance to talk to my family on Skype, and my grandfather said “Wow, this technology is just blowing me away…” It was cutey. I think my parents went to visit you guys? That’s nice. We had a little party here with a ridiculous array of food that was not all particularly “Thanksgiving-y” but was all delicious. It was fun.

Also, I think I emailed this to Matt, but just in case you guys haven’t seen it, I found it on BBC yesterday morning and just wanted to die a little…

Okay, love you lots and lots. I think I might go take a nap.
Hugs and kisses to everyone,

posted by michael at 6:51 am  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Yosemite

Pardon some of the incomplete, rotated croppings, but I squeaked out a few more via
some “processing” … I don’t think the blog has much interest in them, but you might.


posted by michael at 6:07 pm  

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Adam suggested adding these to his last comment on Recent Travels, but I figured they’d be overlooked. Click on them because the thumbs represent about half the image.


posted by michael at 12:56 pm  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Recent Travels


Last week I went on a factory junket to BK Lighting in Madera, CA (outside Fresno – they provided the lights for my bridge at illuminale). They put us up in Tenaya Lodge just outside Yosemite, where we hiked on Saturday (flew out Thursday, flew back Sunday, Friday at the factory, Saturday at Yosemite). Attached are a few images – tough metering conditions, with massive contrast (I blew many … ).


posted by michael at 11:52 am  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Canoe Trip

I bailed on the guys this year and decided I’d rather stay home than sleep under the stars, swim next to ice bergs, drink expensive wine and share dark secrets like how to make the best potato cannon. I said, “Look, I want to be alone.” They said, “Look, we’re coming to your house to patch your kitchen ceiling, stack your two cords of wood, and clean out your barn.”

So it’s nice to see that someone went on canoe trip in Maine this year.

posted by michael at 8:22 pm  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Up On The Roof

We dragged chairs onto our roof where the sun and the view makes reading the morning paper enjoyable. Here’s Joe in a casual pose.

Matt and Jen join Joe.

Goose does the unthinkable and stands on the chimney. Got to love his pose.

posted by michael at 5:29 pm  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


These are hum drum posts for being out of the business for so long, but it’s what I’ve got.

I drove over to Newburyport the other morning and got there too early to wait in the beach for the sunrise. Blame in how late the sun rises this time of year. Here’s the best I’ve got, a shot from the bridge on my way home.

About a week before that I went swimming off Halibut Point. Some people familiar with the shoreline think it impossible, but it really isn’t. All you have to do is wait for the waves to slacken and choose a place from which you can get back out. Believe me, getting in is always easy.

posted by michael at 12:03 pm  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We ( I should say they : Matt, Jen, Emma, Goose, Joe, Karen) painted the downstairs bathroom, my office, the kitchen and now the living room. Of all the colors, clearly, the living room is the riskiest. Four people corroborated on a color Matt chose, which is to say we all agreed. Now, it’s hard to get accurate color representations from photos without elaborate light set-ups, still you are pretty much looking at our living room.

The sedate, by comparison, dining room.

posted by michael at 7:29 am  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You might think I’d say something about the election, but instead I’m posting this photo of Roland’s grave and his wife, Shirley, in the distance visiting over family members. I’d wanted to make this visit since he died over two years ago, and even tried once on my own, but it’s a big cemetery and flat markers are hard to see. Shirley drove, and after Roland, we visited with her two aunts and then had lunch, where Marty Burr worked in college, at the Old Mill in Westminster.

posted by michael at 7:15 am  

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