In Town
Here’s the family pic, Adam.
Shot with my 135 with a 1.4 tele-extender.
Peter and I did the tourist tour of the well known sites on the other side of the island. The one Adam pushed for. We could have followed the big yellow bus with the Bermuda clad because everywhere we went they went. I’ll post those later, in the meantime here are some shots from the town across the street from these “High Rise Hotels.”
Nice fam pic! Looks like Di’s at the early stages of growing a headfull of cursl to match Peter’s!
{Watching the colored sprinklers my ass 🙂 }
PS – You still coming home tomorrow, BlueJet 5:30pm, or staying another week? And when does Peter’s flight get in?
Comment by smiling dan — May 16, 2008 @ 10:35 am
And a fine family picture it is, too! Artful still life as well, with unusual, moody blues.
I wasn’t jonesing for urbanity so much as just a different horizon, maybe some portraits — the lead-in two are perfect, though the tour through urbanity is well done and reads like a dpreview equipment test sample set. Great casual pictures of people, the kind I could never take.
Comment by adam — May 16, 2008 @ 10:45 am
By my calculations I’m afraid we’ve missed our flight, because if you’re blitzing the blog it must be Saturday.
So far, same time on Jet Blue. Peter gets in around midnight.
Comment by michael — May 16, 2008 @ 11:34 am
Mike, here we are in Kythera, looking at your fine photos. I especially like the one with the blue bottle and chairs. Could you get that one framed please. You can send it to Pandonia apartments in Agia Pelagia, along with a battery charger for Ginger’s camera. She did take a number of great photos also, mostly of goats.
I am reading Camus’s, The Plague, in between swimming. Wish you were here, or we were there. Mark (and Ginger, in the background, and over my shoulder with usual, crisp comments)
Comment by Mark — May 16, 2008 @ 12:20 pm
Hi Di, Mike, Peter, and Matt…looks like you are all enjoying yourself. Love the photos. I’m in Memphis Tenn, where the only color are the (artifically) green lawn and blue swimming pools. No camera because it is on it’s way to Colorado with Goose. What is Matt doing while you are documenting everything?
Comment by BIrdBrain — May 16, 2008 @ 1:52 pm
Matt continues to win money at the poker table in the casino which I find greatly intimidating. Too many people with too much money and too much frenetic activity. I prefer my nightly swims.
Comment by michael — May 16, 2008 @ 3:17 pm
Family picture? There’s someone missing….
Looks like you guys are having a great time!
Comment by pesky godson — May 16, 2008 @ 3:29 pm
How much was that Aruba aloe?
Comment by jennifer — May 16, 2008 @ 6:59 pm
I wondered who might pick up on the missing family member.
I didn’t check the in town prices, but the stuff we bought on the beach feels like greasy water.
Comment by michael — May 16, 2008 @ 9:07 pm
Mike’s photographic absence is mostly a given (though he IS vacationing with two pretty good reasons to hope otherwise). In the old Where’s Waldo hidden-in-plain-sight trick cartoons, you knew Waldo was in there somewhere — with Mike, not so much.
Comment by adam — May 17, 2008 @ 8:43 am
Have you seen the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer has a persistent cough, but refuses to see a doctor until he runs into a guy with a dog that has the same cough. Kramer then borrows the dog and visits a vet and describes his condition as if he’s talking about the dog so he’ll get pills to treat his cough even though the side effects are panting and loss of fur? Once Jerry spies the bottle of pills and realizes what Kramer’s done, Seinfeld treats Kramer like a dog. He whistles for him, shakes his car keys when he wants Kramer to jump into his car, etc . . I’ve been feeling a little like Adam’s dog, which is not a bad thing. I think it’s easier than being Jennifer’s dog.
Anyway, here are two pics of me with Diane. Both taken by Peter with my camera. I’m sure there are more of me, but on Peter’s camera.
Comment by michael — May 17, 2008 @ 9:08 am
Good boy! Here, have another rum drink treat!
To quote a favorite author, Tom Robbins, “skinny legs and all” … Thanks — it’s good to have mental images of you IN the scene, not just observing and recording it. Though who knew Diane had a bodyguard for her waterwalks — sure, she’s a celebrity on the blog, but in Aruba … ? (Actually, that second pose is all too familiar, absent Diane and the waves – oh, and also minus the swim trunks … But in Maine I attribute it to your stubborn upper half having a schizophrenic argument with the rapidly numbing lower half that walked you out there.)
Comment by adam — May 17, 2008 @ 9:42 am
I don’t quite follow the Seinfeld story, but we would need better connections with a higher power to understand what it’s like being my dog these days.
It’s odd, but I could not remember taking our cat to the vet when it was time to have him put down, although Lew assured me that I must have (because he absolutely couldn’t have done it himself) until I was halfway to the vet with Kelly. Then it came back to me quite suddenly.
Comment by jennifer — May 17, 2008 @ 5:00 pm
So they like 31 flavors in Aruba? But do they have grapefruit? Limone? Melone? Fragole? Nespole? Having recently gourmandized gelati in Italy, I’m ruined for american ice cream. I mean, who but Italians could make grapefruit a wonderful flavor?
Now if I could only get my camera to extract tastes like sounds and movies, I’d post the great flavors in my next album. (When does Apple come out with the iTaste?)
Comment by rakkity — May 23, 2008 @ 4:27 pm
In Aruba I bought Diane a fruity drink made of banana and peanut butter. It was her idea. I tasted it, she drank it, and we both said never again.
Comment by michael — May 23, 2008 @ 8:29 pm
Ananas & peanut butter? I’m pretty sure the Italians don’t make that gelato flavor.
Comment by rakkity — May 24, 2008 @ 9:54 am
Bananas and peanut butter … I used to like that on a sandwich. But then I also liked peanut butter and vitamin C pills — the chewable kind they don’t make anymore because they’re bad for your teeth.
Comment by jennifer — May 24, 2008 @ 9:47 pm