Know When to Fold'em
The pier detective Adam deduced. Not pictured – the gate with the no trespassing sign.
Last night’s Salsa class.
Both Matthew and Diane are casino dabblers. Diane’s up or down, I don’t remember which, less than a dollar. Matt, federally funded by his dad, left the poker machines, our first night here, after four hours with only a small dent in his holdings. Impressive, I thought, because he’d more than made up for his minimal losses in free beers, of which he can consume quite a few without having to play from the floor. Last night that changed. Not his beer consumption or his vertical position, but his luck.
A rather big fellow informed him of a poker table where the dealers appeared clueless as to the odds, and to bolster Matt’s table confidence, he gave him pertinent pointers. At the end of his evening, thankful Matt peeled off a twenty go give to his friendly compatriot. How do I know all this, the morning after, with Matt and Diane still asleep? Matt woke his mom at 3 AM to display his three one hundred dollar bills.
Now that Matt is up he’s provided more details. At one point he may have been up six hundred dollars as in one hand he won (and he’s not sure) about four hundred.
Comment by michael — May 13, 2008 @ 12:24 pm
I thought your post was going to be about this art show:
Hong Kong-born artist Mung Lar Lam takes one of the most boring household chores — ironing — and turns it into an unlikely art form. Beginning Sunday, visitors can take in her origami-like ironings of various recycled fabrics. There will also be a video showing Mung hard at work with her appliance. The exhibition, titled “Ironings Performed by Mung Lar Lam,” will change several times throughout the run as the artist returns to re-iron select works. Sun. through Aug. 10, Craft and Folk Art Museum, $3-$5.
The accompanying photo shows an interesting stack of about twenty-five folded cloths or towels in the lime-green family. The stack could have come out of your linen closet (if this happened to be your palette), but then again, maybe not: some of the cloths seem to have been folded into triangles or set at an angle, and the stack changes overall dimensions as it goes up. It looks like you really ENJOYED putting these cloths away in your linen closet in this particular configuration. And maybe you really enjoyed ironing and folding them as well.
Comment by jennifer — May 13, 2008 @ 9:30 pm
Ah! The casino score! Way to go, Matt, knowing when to fold ’em! Now you can re-pay your dad, while peeling off another 20 as interest on the loan!
PS — Who in this motley crew danced Salsa??
Comment by smiling dan — May 16, 2008 @ 10:28 am