Hannah’s European Vacation
Sorry this is so long in coming. Here is a smattering of the 700 pictures of Hannah & Willie’s travels in Italy. They are in no particular order and she has not had time to comment on them. We need to find the time to sift through them and put them into recognizable albums to share, but I pulled my favorites. They visited Milan, Positano, Rome, Florence and Venice. She loved it so much that she has decided to attend Franklin College in Lugano Switzerland. Please share with the blog.
I’m tempted to say this looks like the trip of a lifetime, but that would be so old school, and not appropriate for someone who’s about to spend the next four or so years in Switzerland. Still, her age and this adventure has to carve out some deep memories in that not-yet-set-in-concrete brain.
Now I’m going to sound like smilingDan, but do tell us if she has the time to add a running commentary.
Those ashified skeletons sure are creepy.
Thanks for sharing, Hannah.
Comment by michael — May 13, 2008 @ 12:37 pm
A few comments. First, Wow!
How do they build on hills like that? I just don’t understand.
They did WHAT to the Mona Lisa?
I loved that one … “Likeness”, I think? And so many others.
Comment by jennifer — May 13, 2008 @ 9:41 pm
Adorable. What a beautiful back drop.
Comment by Chris — May 14, 2008 @ 10:26 am
Positano was their favorite place. They started their trip here by the lazy seaside enjoying friendly natives. The rest was a whirl wind tour of museums, cathedrals and “must sees” interspersed with bus and train stations.
She has told a ton of stories. (Missing a train and sleeping in a phone booth, meeting Norwegian kids on a class trip and experiencing new lows of sexism, the “awe” feeling of visiting that first cathedral, the “more freakin’ art?” feeling in Vatican, just to name a few.) It’s fun to see Italy through her eyes. She has a very twisted sense of humor, (yes, Michael, I know where she gets it) and I’m so happy that she approached this trip armed with it.
I’m trying to gently cajole her to commit them to paper, but it’s the tail end of her senior year and she’s busy beyond belief. Maybe after graduation she’ll have more time. I’ll do my best impersonation of a nagging mother and see what comes of it.
Comment by Jen — May 14, 2008 @ 11:06 am
Or you could retell her stories.
Matt and Hil and Matt and Debbie and Matt in Spain wrote entertaining emails, but once home that was that.
Comment by michael — May 14, 2008 @ 3:28 pm