Trade Winds
We were all up just after 4 AM yesterday morning, stumbling past one another, as Susan prepared to drive back to Minnesota, while Diane, Peter, Matthew and I hurried to stuff our car to get to generous Dan’s house so he could taxi us to Logan. We flew out on time and arrived in Aruba at about 11:30. Peter, who’d made his own travel plans much later than we did, landed an hour later.
Now there’s some mighty fine waterwalking territory!
I hope Matt remembers how to use a camera so we get some pictures of Mikey windsurfing … That much sun should allow pretty fast shutter speeds. I want one like that one of Goose wiping out surfing — horizontal, inches and microseconds from splashdown.
Enjoy yourselves — at ease and at play. I’d say you’re missing a mighty fine day here, but the irony would be wasted.
Comment by el kib — May 11, 2008 @ 12:04 pm