The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Let's Make A Deal*


I saw the man in red in the distance and we may not have been part of his circuit,  but he was coming our way.

“What are you selling?” I shouted.

“Aloe from Aruba, pure Aruban Aloe?”

“Can I drink it?”

“Sure you can, it cures bronchitis, and sunburn and skin rashes and … .”

“How much?”

“Ten dollars a bottle, two for fifteen.”

“How about eight for one and I get to take you picture?”

“It’s a deal.”

You can’t tell from the photo but this guy has Arm and Hammer arms.

“I see where you are when you’re not selling aloe. You’re in the gym.”

“Two hours a day.”

* I could have said five bucks; I could have simply taken his photo. That wasn’t the point.

posted by michael at 3:32 pm  


  1. Don’t DRINK the $10 a bottle Aruban Aloe you got for $8, for god’s sake! It’s for rubbing on the outside.

    Michael, stop writing for the blog, just enjoy being there. Plus, you sound too much like me, it’s scary. (Nitpicking, trying to understand every last 4 oz.)

    Actually, I recognize this behavior from when I was pregnant, and having some issues. Someone told me a story about having a major fight with her husband about when he would mow the lawn (she needed it mowed NOW, before it grew another 1/4 cm). She explained that when some things are out of your control (like mine was with the pregnancy) some people (her, me, you?) have a tendency to try to control everything (or maybe just something) else.

    Well, enjoy. I’m glad it’s never overcast there.

    Comment by jennifer — May 11, 2008 @ 5:12 pm

  2. That picture’s worth 10 bucks! What a caricature of himself!

    Comment by smiling dan — May 16, 2008 @ 8:46 am

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