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Sunday, April 13, 2008

April, The Cruelest Month?


Finally, the wildflowers are coming to the foothills. And that’s in spite of two snowstorms we had last week right here in Boulder. (The snow disappeared the next day.) This picture shows the area we XC-skied in at about 10,500 ft the day before yesterday. It’s up above the tunnel under the Front Range where the Colorado Zephyr breezes its way to California. A gentle blizzard dropped a foot of wonderful, light powder while we skied.

Then today, Beth and I went for a hike on snow-free (at 5,400 ft) Marshall Mesa, just south of town, and spotted lots of Pasqueflowers and tiny, pink Moss Campions.

Spring is finally coming to the Front Range foothills, but I’ll miss the snow!


posted by michael at 8:04 am  


  1. The moss campions are quite adorable. You can just travel higher for snow, can’t you? We’re feeling grateful for some 70 degree days here. Yesterday, forecast “cloudy”, turned out to have many surprises in store, as it should, being April — drizzly and cool, then sunny and hot for a few hours, then brief torrential downpours, thunder and lightning.

    Comment by jennifer — April 13, 2008 @ 9:57 am

  2. Wasn’t yesterday wonderfully moody? Manic actually.

    Comment by Jen — April 13, 2008 @ 12:42 pm

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