It was misty, but we could see the moon being eclipsed. The mists took away the color, so it looked grey to the eye, and even through binocs.In my picture from our front yard (attached) without any fiddling of the saturation of the digital data, the moon is clearly red . The moon is at one side of the shadow umbra, so it looks like a crescent. I couldn’t see the moon through my viewfinder, and had to guess at the centering, so I couldn’t zoom. What you see in the picture is what you get with a 4-sec exposure and no zoom near the time of maximum eclipse.
I’m sure there will be some glorious pix on the web later tonight.
posted by michael at 12:05 am

11:39 PM
Let’s finish this extraordinary night with a little humor.
This from last night’s poker game.
posted by michael at 11:44 pm
posted by michael at 11:42 pm
posted by michael at 11:42 pm

About 9:45 PM

9:50 PM

10:00 PM

10:09 PM

10:36 PM

10:49 PM
posted by michael at 10:14 pm

According to the Acton web page, it’s clear right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be mostly cloudy, with clearing on Thursday. With luck you might be able to watch the lunar eclipse Wednesday night.
Out here in the west, it will be visible at dusk, but in the eastern US, you’ll see it around 10 pm.
posted by michael at 11:18 pm
Adam’s been pounding on me about posting pictures of fruit. If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel I guess he considers macros of limes the last refuge of a blogmeister gone barren. I tend to agree. To get him off my back, I’m posting old photos of which I know he can never get enough, even though a similar one of the happy group has already appeared on the blog. That one, and old matte finish, I converted to black and white to get rid of its pink cast, which is a shame because you lose some of the impact of Dan’s snazy pants.

My father, Diane and brother Peter.

Dan’s second wife, Bonnie, Bill Connet, Mrs rakkity, rakkity, Diane, Dan and Peter.
posted by michael at 8:02 am

In case you have some time to be spared between shots of colorful vegetables, take a look at some of these strange photos of odd earthly objects seen from space.
For your next backyard project, maybe you and Matt can construct something unusual that can be seen from space, and that will find its way into the Google Earthly Odd Object database. Like the largest green lime in the world–with a purple background?
posted by michael at 7:57 am

In case you have some time to be spared between shots of colorful vegetables, take a look at some of these strange photos of odd earthly objects seen from space.
For your next backyard project, maybe you and Matt can construct something unusual that can be seen from space, and that will find its way into the Google Earthly Odd Object database. Like the largest green lime in the world–with a purple background?
posted by michael at 7:57 am
posted by michael at 8:57 am

Those tulips BirdBrain gave us finally lost their petals, but has that stopped me from taking more pictures? Oh, hell no.
posted by michael at 9:55 pm
posted by michael at 6:53 pm