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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Canned Goose



This afternoon Beth and I went for a walk around Boulder’s Walden Ponds (yes I know Massachusetts has that name trademarked. Sorry.), and we were studying the Canada Geese that thrive there. At first glance, one of the geese seemed to have a ribbon around its neck.  But no, it appeared to be a can missing both ends.  How did that poor goose get a can around its neck? Either it’s some bizarre biological marker, or the goose stuck its head into a can on the ground and found that the only way it could get the dang thing off its head was to keep pushing and pushing until it was around its neck.  At least, that’s my guess as to what happened.

The goose doesn’t appear to be troubled by its new garb, and it has a mate, who hasn’t given up on him/her because of a strange neck.


posted by michael at 7:29 am  

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