Belching Volcanoes
This gallery starts out with one of the most amazing NIGHT time exposures. There’s a blue sky with stars, and spectacular clouds over and around an active volcano. The subsequent shots aren’t too shabby either.–rakkity
This gallery starts out with one of the most amazing NIGHT time exposures. There’s a blue sky with stars, and spectacular clouds over and around an active volcano. The subsequent shots aren’t too shabby either.–rakkity
I found this link after watching one BirdBrain sent me of the same group.
One of the comments, “Now THAT my friends is the ultimate prank! A random act of beauty, silliness and fun whipped on some people who can use it!”
The first two photos were taken through the window of the Nashoba Bakery which is one fine place to have lunch. The other two look a lot like our house. But, I keep wondering, with all the glistening ice and snowy shapes out there, where are Adam’s photos?
A small collection pictures taken through my dirty truck window in Philly while Joe navigated Broad St, and late evening yesterday as Peter and I walked around the Rookery in Littleton.
My Globe hasn’t arrived yet, but I hope The Word takes on commas to give the NYT Online op-ed about the 2nd amendment a seconding motion “HOO-Rah!”. Cuts right through a bunch of hooey nonsense that many in this country take for a convenient truth.
On Dec 13, date of Boston’s record early snowfall (10 inches here), garage doors are on (awesome job Ryan!), and garage is christened!
And, Dave plows our driveway, exactly to plan!
I measured eight inches of freshly fallen snow on our deck bench at about 8 PM. Call it a wet welcome back to New England.
Joe and I will be knocking on your door tomorrow at around 1 PM.
Kenney and two of his sons, Rick and Keith, built this garage in 7 days. They showed up at 7am sharp every morning, driving an hour from Manchester NH, which means they rise at 5. This Monday, when it was blistering cold and rainy, they were there, nailing cedar shakes. Amazing workers, proud of their fine worksmanship.
And we get an awesome garage!
(That’s Gracie in the foreground!)
This from Matt. Unlike, or maybe having learned my lesson, that past vocab quiz Matt sent, I’m not posting my score. This one is just as much fun. BirdBrain should beat us all to a pulp.
The day before yesterday we finally got some snow around here. About a foot of lovely powder fell on Boulder county early Sunday morning. So Katie and I decided to take advantage of it before it disappeared in a chinook or one of those dratted warm spells. The County’s Open Space has a nice preserve 5 miles west of town at about 8000′. It has 3 or 4 miles of walking/jogging/skiing trails, and that’s where we headed. A few other snow lovers were out hiking, snowshoeing and XC skiing there, but the trails were remarkably untracked. One of the benches near the trailhead had a foot of fresh powder on it, so I tried pressing my hand into it, and got the snow to compress about 8 inches. As usual, the fresh powder was impossible to make snowballs out of (it’s only fault!)
I enclose 2 pictures of us on our skis.
The day before yesterday we finally got some snow around here. About a foot of lovely powder fell on Boulder county early Sunday morning. So Katie and I decided to take advantage of it before it disappeared in a chinook or one of those dratted warm spells. The County’s Open Space has a nice preserve 5 miles west of town at about 8000′. It has 3 or 4 miles of walking/jogging/skiing trails, and that’s where we headed. A few other snow lovers were out hiking, snowshoeing and XC skiing there, but the trails were remarkably untracked. One of the benches near the trailhead had a foot of fresh powder on it, so I tried pressing my hand into it, and got the snow to compress about 8 inches. As usual, the fresh powder was impossible to make snowballs out of (it’s only fault!)
I enclose 2 pictures of us on our skis.
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