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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dan's Driveway


I drove by Dan’s on my way to work (btw, Jennifer, he lives right off 2A)


and on the way home.

posted by michael at 6:34 pm  


  1. Somehow I pictured Dan on the other side of Rt. 2. Shoot, if I’d known that he lived right there, I wouldn’t have gotten a new car. All I really needed was for him to help with the car-clock-radio spring-forward fall-back thingy. (jk, although oddly enough, I did it on my own once or even twice, and then I could NOT figure out how to fix it this fall. And you know what I forgot to get out/off of the old car when we traded it in? The car rack.)

    So if someone honks at your new garage one day at 7:15AM, Dan, it’s me.

    Comment by jennifer — December 11, 2007 @ 11:23 pm

  2. Dan, they are rockin’ that garage! An early Christmas present at that pace, no doubt! Lookin’ fine — and the less steep driveway should stave off any future slip-n-fall incidents … !

    Comment by adam — December 11, 2007 @ 11:39 pm

  3. Jen, you bought a new car with out consulting with the New Car Buying expert? Also, I would not have forgotten to remove your roof rack.

    Yes, Adam, a welcome early Christmas present–it was finished today, except the garage doors, which come tomorrow! Just in time to get out of the snow forecast for the weekend! Posting another pic if I can remember how…

    Comment by smiling Dan — December 12, 2007 @ 9:50 pm

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