The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

For Adam


Where’s the robe?

posted by michael at 8:17 pm  


  1. On a hook on the left side of the closet. First I slide my left hand into the crack and slide the door right a little, then reaching in with my right hand …

    Comment by that guy — December 8, 2007 @ 8:35 pm

  2. The best part of your comment lies hidden from view. Your required email address: cringing@theawfultr.uth

    Comment by michael — December 8, 2007 @ 9:35 pm

  3. Let me see what I can do with this and possibly encourage Adam further out of the closet.

    I get out of bed and I grab the water glass on the nearby window sill or not, I turn off my CD player or I forget to, then I find my way into the bathroom after stubbing my toe on our new humidifier. Once in the bathroom I turn on the light, then try to remember to turn on the shower so the water will warm while I brush my teeth. I climb in and finish brushing then toss the toothbrush onto the sink counter where it either lands or bounces back out onto the floor. I sometimes wash my hair but usually not, I sometimes sit on the shower floor and stretch, I usually shave but not always so, then I grab the driest of my four towels, dry off and stumble to my closet where I hope to find decent enough clothes to wear. We all know I have no trouble finding shirts.

    From there I head to the other bathroom where I transfer the contents of whatever is in those jeans (hung the night before before my bath) to my new ones. Unless I just wear the old dirty ones. I spray on foot powder for my now non-existent athlete’s foot, pull on my socks and most of the rest of my clothes. After all that I go downstairs and in some order turn on my computer and the hot water for coffee. I pull on my boots, walk outside to get the newspaper which is either on the ground or in the mailbox, return to stoke the wood stove, fill our two humidifiers and fill my Bodum with what little hot water that hasn’t, by now, boiled away. With my coffee and sometimes my newspaper but that’s kinda redundant since the first thing I do is hit, I crap out in front of the computer until I hear Diane stir. Then a whole new routine begins.

    Okay, Felix , it’s your turn.



    Comment by michael — December 9, 2007 @ 10:07 am

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