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Monday, July 2, 2007

Sister-City Mosaics


I keep thinking I’ve seen most everything Boulder has to offer, but almost every time Beth & I go for a walk or a drive thru Boulder, I see something new.  This time I was walking by the City Hall, and ventured over to their new plaza, which just opened up in May. The city has placed 6 beautiful mosaics into the flagstone plaza.  I’ve attached some pictures. You’ll see some strange city names there–all 6 of the “sister” cities who have contributed to Boulder in various ways.  I’ve never been to any of them. (Should I be packing my bags?)



posted by rakkity at 11:39 am  

1 Comment »

  1. You just sent me on a hop around the world on Google Earth. Very cool. If you haven’t heard of it, download the free version and take the tutorial. It’s awesome. You can enter any address, including your own, and get a satellite view of almost any place in the world except Dick Chenney’s digs.

    Comment by Jen — July 2, 2007 @ 3:12 pm

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