Looks serene in a still life … We just white-knuckled it back from a dinner party in Ipswich — a 75-minute drive prolonged to over 100, in that surreal scenario where the driving snow makes the 52 mph you’re actually going feel like 80. I hope the trees survive the night — wet as this snow is, they’re looking mighty laden.
Driving snow? In Boulder, the sun is shining, the boids are choiping, and the snow is a distant memory, at least down on the flats out of the mountains. And here in MD, where I am now for a few days, it’s almost as warm as Boulder! What is it with New England, making all you guys suffer so?
So many apple blossoms, so early in the spring?
Comment by jennifer — March 24, 2007 @ 10:05 pm
Looks serene in a still life … We just white-knuckled it back from a dinner party in Ipswich — a 75-minute drive prolonged to over 100, in that surreal scenario where the driving snow makes the 52 mph you’re actually going feel like 80. I hope the trees survive the night — wet as this snow is, they’re looking mighty laden.
Get some sleep, Mikey …
Comment by el Kib — March 24, 2007 @ 10:53 pm
Driving snow? In Boulder, the sun is shining, the boids are choiping, and the snow is a distant memory, at least down on the flats out of the mountains. And here in MD, where I am now for a few days, it’s almost as warm as Boulder! What is it with New England, making all you guys suffer so?
Comment by rakkity — March 26, 2007 @ 1:20 pm
I drove home in that as well from a birthday party in Boston. Really pretty view, but not from behind the wheel.
Comment by Jen — March 27, 2007 @ 5:59 pm