The Good Son
Matthew picks on me about my saggy breasts, my pencil-thin biceps, and the clothes I wear, which he claims are all various shades of gray. When we took him out to eat in Philadelphia, way back during Parent’s Weekend, he rode me into the brown oak table upon which sat my non-alcoholic beer. Well, Matt, what do you think of my new dessert?
Speaking of the good son who just returned to school, here’s our most recent IM.
And that, I think, segues nicely into these photos taken by Brian the other night at the Cambridgeside Galleria.
Wait just a minute! Wasn’t it talking to HilB which saved him?!?
Comment by completely uninterested bystander — March 12, 2007 @ 6:33 pm
You know, I doubt anyone who hasn’t found the zoom button on their browser would be able to read that conversation. But c.u.b., I appreciate your support, and agree wholeheartedly.
Matt, I forget if you have been mugged while at or near Temple. Very glad to hear it didn’t happen this time.
Michael, what happened to the recent comment tracking?
Comment by jennifer — March 12, 2007 @ 8:36 pm
No, talking on your phone makes you a target. They tell you not to talk and walk at night. So it was hil b’s fault that i almost got mugged. lol, and no i have not yet been mugged, but we can always keep our fingers crossed.
Comment by Matt — March 12, 2007 @ 11:17 pm
How ’bout just not walking at night. And I love the nonchalance in all Matt’s diologue. Slept well… Amost got mugged… I imagine you wouldn’t even know if he was on fire.
Comment by Jen — March 13, 2007 @ 9:05 am
Oh and I missed the pictures. What was the situation?
Comment by Jen — March 13, 2007 @ 9:07 am
Almost got mugged! Glad it was almost.
Back in good ol’ College Park, every day the campus police would report a mugging or two, always at night. Campuses, Univ of CO included, tend not to be very safe places after dark. Amen about the booths.
I would think that cells and iPods would be magnets for muggers.
Comment by rakkity — March 13, 2007 @ 4:36 pm
I like that, “I walk pretty fast, but he was keeping pace.” Adds to the drama…and, Jen, he doesn’t always know when he’s on fire, but he can feel when a bullseye has been drawn on his back.
Comment by michael — March 13, 2007 @ 6:14 pm
Ok, sure, talking on A cell is dangerous, but talking to HIL B. is, like, a force field surrounds you, protects you.
All right, I’ll give it up. I love you all, and am especially glad, since he would have blamed her forever, that Matt didn’t get mugged while he was talking to my daughter. Not to mention she would have been freaked out, like when my (now-ex) brother-in-law must have been when my sister was on the phone with him 30 years ago and was struck by lightning (and the phone went dead). Or like when my aunt was dead in her house and I called Hil B. while she was college hunting. It’s just a tad disturbing when someone a long way away is in trouble and you can’t do anything.
I still want to know, what happened to the recent comments list?
Comment by jennifer — March 13, 2007 @ 7:46 pm
After the event, hil said something like why would you attack someone on a phone cause they would know that the person would be getting mugged. My response was to ask her what the hell she planned on doing after he beat me and took my phone and money. Come to the rescue running? Maybe call the cops? of whom she really knows the number and all, and by the time any of this happened he would be blocks away and never be found.
Comment by Matt — March 13, 2007 @ 9:36 pm
Jennifer, what about the recent comments list? I don’t see a change.
Speaking of cell phone intrigue, maybe Tricia will tell us about Adam’s car wreck which happened as she was talking to him. All she heard was the bang.
Comment by michael — March 14, 2007 @ 6:11 am