The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Coming Soon–The Last Game


Don’t put this on your blog calendar please, but it looks like the last racquetball game between Patrick & me (and also the first since breaking my shoulder ligaments) will occur on Jan 3, 2007. That’s the first day the UMd gym re-opens and the last day before we pack up the Penske truck, so we are locked firmly into that date.

The last one or two rakkity-dominator games will be this week. I’m reminding the Dom right now, as he returns from a trip.

Stay tuned.



On another subject: Now that I have X11 on my mini, I have also installed xv and the gimp. And they work! So I don’t feel quite so crippled now, and finally, the Mac OS is living up to my expectations. The next test will be to see if I can get a gui interface going between the UMd linux machines and my mini. With a slow connection, it won’t be useful, but if it works at all, it bodes well for Colorado, where I will have a fast connection, come hell or high water!


posted by michael at 6:15 am  

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