Pink Shirts
Hello again parents,
Sorry it has been a while, things are a little hectic at the moment. I have a paper and a test tomorrow and then another test on monday. I am spending a lot of time preparing for them. So I have been in college for over a month now, and I still love it. A few observations or comments however: all the socks I own are now a very nice shade of pink, this includes a few white shirts. The chair that we bought had met its end, although we guessed that it might be due to the cheap price of it originally. I have been eating more in the last month than I think I ever have before. My sleep schedule is more messed up then usual. I tend to not get much sleep at night and end up getting the majority of what I need to survive during the day. Debbie is coming, she will arrive on the 13th of October and then leave the following monday. I am excited to see her, considering she is the first person from home that i will be able to see in over a month which is kind of a weird idea. I do miss all my friends, and am excited for thanksgiving even though we are not that close.
Along with this, I am now the third floor representative for the peabody senate committee. This just means that I go to a meeting once a week and give input as to what kind of programs or activities my floor wants to participate in. No one else on my floor wanted to do it, and Vaughn asked if I would. I figured that I might as well get involved in something so I agreed.
I almost forgot about my eye. A few days ago I was going up the stairs in my dorm and there was a kid who was running down them. He caught me in the face with his elbow and gave me a very large black eye. He felt terrible and I just told him not to worry about it, seeing as that it is not a very big deal. It does look pretty gruesome though, it reminded me of mom falling down the basement stairs.
That is good news about mattel, although i bet now it will shoot to the moon since we decided to sell. Oh, and maybe the money could be used for the following if needed?
On a more somber note…..
Last saturday i was at a party with my roommate and a lot of other people… 220 to be exact. It was a frat which are usually a pretty safe places to go, even if it is over crowded and not that fun always. Everyone in college goes to frat parties, it is just how it works. However on this day, not that long after we got there the police arrived. It turned out that there had been an investigation into that specific frat for reasons that we had no idea beforehand. Although they did not find what they were looking for they did take down the names of all the kids. I did not think that they would ever do anything about it, considering they have broken up frats before and not done anything. But on this occasion they have decided to send us all notices saying that we broke school policy. I have attached the notice to the email as well for you and dad to have a look at. I do not know if I am going to appeal the finding considering they have no proof that anyone was drinking. They are just saying everyone is guilty because we were all there. They did not breathalyze anyone or do anything of the sort. There is a meeting tomorrow that I have to attend on the matter and after that I will figure out what I need to do and whether I should appeal it or not. It is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ve talked to a lot of people about it and this has like never happened before. They believed the frat was into drugs and stuff and me and john had never heard anything about the frat before. It was also our first time there. It just sucks. If you could give me a call later that would be nice, whenever it is a good time for you of course.
Love always,