IM with Pesky Godson last night:
(I’ve scabbled with this point with Diane about MacIntosh long as we’ve been a couple.)
Me: Funny place to go to {La Porte, Indiana} did you get there?
PG: By bus
Me: For the express purpose of apple picking?
PG: yes, and having fun
it was subsidised by the school
I only paid a dollar for the bus
(and over 20 for apple-related products)
Me: Did you tell Susan? She’s been picking apples for weeks now.
PG: tell her what? oh, she’s doing that after all? no, I hadn’t I should write her
Me: compare apples ; )
PG: to apples
Me: yes. what kind? Surely, not Macintosh
PG: Well funny story about that. we went and they took us on our little hayride out into the orchard and they stopped and said “there’s red delicious on this side and yellow delicious on that side” the problem is
red delicious are a poor excuse for an apple and golden delicious are good enough for eating, but not for cooking, which is what we wanted to do so instead, we spent most of our time walking around, I impressed some people by identifying apples by taste
Me: wow you would have me too
PG: And then we went back to the store, bought the varieties we actually wanted, and ate cider donuts and drank cider… it’s not that hard
Me: Sounds like such a wholesome, Indiana kind of activity now you know where I get my personality. You know my favorite apple is the red delicious.
PG: The ones I had to identify were red delicious (by shape, taste and texture), golden (colour), granny smith (colour), and fuji (size and taste), and Macintosh (taste and mushiness)
Really? I can’t stand the things
Me: Wait! Wait!
PG: What?
Me: You think Macintosh is mushy?
PG: More so than some other varieties it has a certain distinctive mushy quality.
Me: I argue that point with Diane all the time
PG: Compare it to, say, Granny Smith
Me: I agree Someone once said – some so-called apple authority – that red delicious were neither. I liked that line
PG:kind of like how the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy nor Roman nor an Empire.
How could my spouse and my godson conspire to desecrate the great, the only, crisp NY apple, the Mac?!!
Comment by anon — October 23, 2006 @ 6:47 pm
I have it on good authority (I forget whose) — there’s nothing much better than a truely fresh Mac … and there’s nothing much worse than one more than about 10 minutes since picking. Me, in this part of the fall, I’m all about Macouns, even though I don’t know how to pronounce it.
Comment by Jennifer — October 23, 2006 @ 7:08 pm
Fiji’s are good too. Right up there with Red Delicious.
Comment by michael — October 23, 2006 @ 7:55 pm
I’m going out on a limb and declaring my predilection for Royal Galas, though I know they’re a heinous hybrid from Down Under … Probably wouldn’t make a world-class pie, though, I suppose.
Comment by adam — October 23, 2006 @ 9:45 pm