The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

"I Want Courage"

This year was not as cold as some, even so, it took me forever to get into the water. Later you’ll see Adam hanging out as if he were in a heated pool.

posted by michael at 9:01 pm  


  1. And as usual, you found it. Let it not go unsaid that you went in unbidden, presumably on your own, and against the clear and candid opinion of your entire epidermis. I’d call that some courage. As was leaving in the verbal evidence (“Aaah @#$&!”). Now, editing out your butt, on the other hand …

    Comment by el Kib — October 4, 2006 @ 11:20 am

  2. Now if you really want to do your polar bear thing, come out to Colorado in February, and we’ll do a sauna, then break the ice on a stream and jump in. You will then be a member of the 200 degree club (200 deg sauna and 0 degree air).

    Comment by rakkity — October 4, 2006 @ 12:13 pm

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