The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Misery Pond



We (Adam and Mark Schreiber) just returned from our annual Maine camping excursion , and while we have stories to tell, none of them are of the death-defying type you’ve come to except from rakkity’s camping exploits. Our original intentions were to tent on the south side of Enchanted Pond in Somerset County, but after six and a half hours of wandering in the woods, we surrendered and drove to Misery Pond. Yes, we were attracted by the name. And, yes, this year we do have videos.

posted by michael at 9:06 pm  


  1. You gave up enchantment in favor our misery?

    Comment by pesky godson — October 1, 2006 @ 9:09 pm

  2. It doesn’t look too miserable to me. Looks beautiful. I can’t wait to hear all the details.

    Comment by Jen — October 2, 2006 @ 9:05 am

  3. Only 6 1/2 hours of wandering through the woods? There has to be much more to that story. I’m sure most of it was probably in the pitch dark using flashlights with failing batteries.

    Comment by Q — October 5, 2006 @ 6:28 am

  4. There is more to that story, but taking a cue from Homeland Security, we’ve deemed it a matter of factual security, classified it top secret for 50 years, and taken a blood oath to quell it. Or, to paraphrase a certain bureau of tourism, “What Happens at Enchanted Stays at Enchanted” …

    I will say that the 6-1/2 hours was in daylight, and some of the nicest weather we saw, squandered. And that Schreib’s slick new GPS confirmed to within 21 feet (3 decimal points of long./lat.) that we were exactly where we thought we were.

    Comment by el Kib — October 5, 2006 @ 9:53 am

  5. P.S. Ever so nice to “hear your voice”, Q … We’ve missed ya!

    Comment by adam — October 5, 2006 @ 9:54 am

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