The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006



posted by michael at 7:43 am  


  1. So when did you start writing the Jeremy cartoons? Funny.

    Comment by La Rad — May 3, 2006 @ 8:09 am

  2. Every Sunday when I read the comics and see something Mike’s blog should have, sure enough, Mike sees it too, and uploads it to the world. This one is very apropos, as yesterday the new Sun CEO said that soon everyone will have a blog or two, and they won’t just be using computers to run them. I can see Mike uploading to his blog from his cell phone or his iPod while he peruses the trompe de l’oeils of the world, or while he visits gravesites or argues with his son Jeremy–I mean Matt.

    Comment by rakkity — May 3, 2006 @ 11:16 am

  3. So where are your other blogs, Mike? Got to keep up with Jeremy!

    Comment by pesky godson — May 3, 2006 @ 11:43 am

  4. Writing the Jeremy cartoons? I’ve been lampooned and it comes at a perfect moment. I’ve got this go nowhere bit of fluff that I’ve been too embarrassed to post, but now Zits have given it meaning and an ending.


    He has Matthew’s smile and Joe’s coloring and is a junior in high school. He works at the hardware store three days a week after school and all day Saturdays. I needed two panes of glass, one for a picture frame and another for an outdoor light fixture, and we chatted as he sorted through his stock, looking for the smallest size from which to cut those pieces.

    “What time do you start work on Saturday?” I asked

    “7:45 in the morning.”

    “Ouch, that’s early. That’s school early.”

    “It is and I don’t get off work until 5:45. Makes it longer than school. But if I weren’t here I’d be doing nothing. This way I earn some money. I wouldn’t even be doing homework. I try but I don’t. I know I should, but I don’t get started until late at night.”

    “Sounds familiar. What kind of grades do you get?”

    “Not bad. B’s and C’s.”

    “Without studying.”

    “Most classes are easy, except for English Lit. Had to read Macbeth and Dr. Jekyll, like every line and answer questions every day.”

    “I know someone like you. In fact, he lives in my house. Hated homework, did well on his SAT’s and now he’s off to college.“

    “That’s my plan. Did he get into a good school?”

    “We were all pleasantly surprised,” I cooly replied. “He’s going to Temple in Philadelphia.”


    Rakkity, will we get KT graduation pictures?

    Comment by michael — May 4, 2006 @ 6:33 am

  5. We’ll get KT’s graduation pix for you. But somehow the date of her graduation was posted wrong in Upcoming. It will actually be May 21.

    In the mean time, you’ll get some desert photos of Dark Canyon, UT. I’m headed west tomorrow, and will be climbing down into Dark Canyon on Sunday. Unfortunately I can’t send pix until Sun, May 14.

    Tomorrow I’ll send before-and-after shots of the newly painted rakkity residence. The Nicaraguan painter crew is at work as we speak.

    Comment by rakkity — May 5, 2006 @ 9:39 am

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