Evansville (assuming that is Evansville) appears to be way ahead of Bowie, azalia-wise. Our azalias are just beginning to open out. In the past week, there’s been a dearth of color here following the demise of crocuses, daffodils, and cherry blossoms. But we’ll catch up to Evansville in a week.
Meanwhile in our soon-to-be home town, the hardier pansies have been poking up.
Let’s have a dogwood, then. At least, if you mean the old-fashioned kind, not the kousa. I have no use for the kousa dogwoods, but I adore the shape of the branches on the “real” dogwood. I’m not quite sure what kind of snob that makes me, that I have a thing for elms, dogwoods … probably American chestnuts too except I’ve never seen one.
Actually I exaggerate. That picture was taken in March, although snow can hit Boulder any month up through June, and blossoms have a good chance of being swaddled in snow like those pansies for a day or two Right now it’s tulip season in Boulder, they say. Pearl St (the downtown pedestrian mall) is full of them.
I’ll have a brief view of spring in Boulder when I stop there on May 5 to join the fogies foursome on a trip to Dark Canyon, UT. (I promise to send pictures and stories to the blog on my return.)
Excellent, thanks Mike.
Comment by travis — April 21, 2006 @ 11:30 am
Is that in Evansville, now?
Comment by Jennifer — April 21, 2006 @ 11:37 am
Now as in this morning, Jennifer. Not only are the azaleas plentiful, but also blooming dogwoods.
Comment by michael — April 21, 2006 @ 12:04 pm
Evansville (assuming that is Evansville) appears to be way ahead of Bowie, azalia-wise. Our azalias are just beginning to open out. In the past week, there’s been a dearth of color here following the demise of crocuses, daffodils, and cherry blossoms. But we’ll catch up to Evansville in a week.
Meanwhile in our soon-to-be home town, the hardier pansies have been poking up.
Comment by rakkity — April 21, 2006 @ 12:10 pm
Let’s have a dogwood, then. At least, if you mean the old-fashioned kind, not the kousa. I have no use for the kousa dogwoods, but I adore the shape of the branches on the “real” dogwood. I’m not quite sure what kind of snob that makes me, that I have a thing for elms, dogwoods … probably American chestnuts too except I’ve never seen one.
Rak, that’s a gorgeous pansy. Was THAT this week?
Comment by Jennifer — April 21, 2006 @ 4:27 pm
Actually I exaggerate. That picture was taken in March, although snow can hit Boulder any month up through June, and blossoms have a good chance of being swaddled in snow like those pansies for a day or two Right now it’s tulip season in Boulder, they say. Pearl St (the downtown pedestrian mall) is full of them.
I’ll have a brief view of spring in Boulder when I stop there on May 5 to join the fogies foursome on a trip to Dark Canyon, UT. (I promise to send pictures and stories to the blog on my return.)
Comment by rakkity — April 22, 2006 @ 3:30 pm