Chris And The Very, Very, Very Good Night
By Chris
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I think I first became a Bon Jovi fan back in the early 80’s in college. Not just because Jon Bon Jovi is so adorable, but mostly because of that. Mark is a fan as well and my friend Shelley, like me, has gone from fan to fanatic. I love his music, his tight pants, his New Jerseyness. He makes me smile, and has for some 20 something years. We have seen him many times over the last several years and I never cease to be 21 again at his concerts. And he and I are the same age, so we’ve grown up together. At least I think I’ve grown up.
Tonight we weren’t sure we were going to make it due to the weather, which fortunately let up by 4:00 enabling us to get to the FleetBankNorthBostonGarden Center or whatever it’s called now. We met Shelley and Paul there. Imagine my surprise when I saw a small platform set up right in front of us. â€Bon Jovi will be singing two songs there†was the rumor. I certainly never anticipated being that close to him, ever. We were in loge seats and not that close to the real stage. I must say the entire first part of the concert was spent anticipating the arrival. About two songs before his, for lack of a better word, ascension, security lined up at the aisle. â€Don’t grab his ass†were the instructions to those of us closest to this platform. Soon a microphone was brought out and the giddiness I was feeling was something I haven’t felt since the Sox won the Series. And then he was there. Guitar strapped on him and the first song he sang was Blaze of Glory from Young Guns. Because he was facing the larger audience his behind was facing us. This was not an issue, trust me. But then he turned around. He’s as attractive as he looks on TV, very petite but with muscular legs and arms. That hair and those lips. I couldn’t take a photo I was somewhat frozen. Then he sang song number two, Bed of Roses, and then he turned around to sing to us and started shaking hands. So my right hand touched his and I swooned. I was like those girls you see in those Beatles clips in the audience at Ed Sullivan some 40+ years ago…crying and shaking. Shelley was too. Mark couldn’t contain his laughter. Jon Bon Jovi has very soft hands, which surprised me given he plays guitar for a living. I would think he’d be callused. But no matter. I wish I had gotten some better shots, but these give you a sense of how close he was to us.
A fantastic evening all around. I had a chance to go see him tomorrow night as well and I declined. Nothing can come close to this.
“About two songs before his, for lack of a better word, ascension…”
To borrrow a rakkityesque phrase, rolling in the aisles with the plebs, laughing my ass off.
Comment by michael — December 13, 2005 @ 5:23 pm
Great telling — I could almost feel your pulse quicken! His music never caught on for me, though any number of his hits are in the undisputed American Classics canon. But while he’s acted in some real dogs, he’s been more than competent in some roles, even real and touching, professional. I like him as an actor. And yes, quite attractive …
Comment by adam — December 14, 2005 @ 9:16 am
Yummy, just yummy. I liked Moonlight and Valentino and I liked him on Ally McBeal.
Comment by la Rad — December 14, 2005 @ 4:29 pm