The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Setting A Fine Example

Hi Mike,

Three more small blog entries from Japan. Here is #1:
On Friday we had a “1-day symposium”, actually a 2-hour, 5-people symposium, and then a 7-person party. (Where did the extra guys come from? What attracted them? Sake & sashimi?)

The 2nd entry is about a shopping spree on Friday when I got my weekend meals.

It’s been snowing heavily here today (Sunday), but I got out on a bike and pedalled about 10 mi. That’s entry #3. I’ll send you the URLs with some words tomorrow.


Photos from Flo’s 93rd birthday party.

posted by Michael at 9:28 am  


  1. The self-serving title is mine.

    Comment by michael — December 4, 2005 @ 9:34 am

  2. Not only does winter bring families inside together, it provides fabulous lighting … Nice images, Mike (and Matt?). Thanks.

    Rakk, looking forward to any shots taken while biking about! How cold is it there? And what IS that pile of stuff front and center lower left in your four images? Cute sake bottle inclusion, too, Shamaru-san …

    Comment by adam — December 4, 2005 @ 11:19 am

  3. The pile of “stuff” is yummy sashimi, cherry tomatoes, chopped cabbage(?), and interesting tasting unidentified objects.

    On the way home yesterday in the snow, I saw a sign saying it was -4 C. When the wind picked up later, it felt a lot colder than that!

    Comment by rakkity — December 4, 2005 @ 8:28 pm

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