The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, November 7, 2005


Here are two cartoons from recent New Yorkers Chris handed me today. First, this one which Fern* and I both found quite funny, and secondly, this cartoon which only I laughed at. But I laughed hard enough for both of us.
I’m fond of the “Get busy living or get busy dying, that’s goddamn right,” quote, but I surfed around and found this . My, what a voice that man has.
* ” Jim Brandon who fought crime as the Avenger was a famous biochemist who perfected two inventions that aided him in the fight against crime: the telepathic indicator allowed him to pick up random thought flashes, and the secret diffusion capsule cloaked him in the “black light of invisibility”. The only person that shares his secrets and knew that he was The Avenger, the man feared by the underworld is his beautiful assistant Fern Collier.”
For the time being I’ve decided to call Diane Fern Collier. I think it fits.

posted by michael at 8:14 pm  


  1. And “FC” makes such a euphonic acronymic, too …

    That first cartoon is right up there with “Do these pants make me look fat?” for a Sword of Damocles rock-and-a-hard-place impossibility.

    Morgan made such a convincing POTUS in Deep Impact that one never even blinked at The First Black President Thing — he has that much credibility.

    Comment by el Kib — November 7, 2005 @ 9:59 pm

  2. So then that makes *you* Jim Brandon.

    Is it your telepathic sense or your invisible cloak that you find most powerful?

    Comment by smilimg — November 13, 2005 @ 9:13 am

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