The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

We Don’t Blush

Shame? We have no shame. We packed our truck and left our tent sitting in plain view next to the back door. Then, after renting a pretty nifty four man, but claustrohomophobic tent from EMS, we left our map with the ultra-zoomed-in super-topo of Rainbow and adjacent lakes on the seat of our truck. Oh, and when we were confronted with Jim’s small plane’s weight limit, we jettisoned the first-aid kit.
The Wizard (Jim Strang) and his plane.
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Plane view. Funny blue color probably the result of his tinted windows.
Katahdin behind Mark and Adam.

posted by Michael at 6:22 am  


  1. You forgot the tent and map? You sure you’re not heading up FEMA?
    Lets see more pix.

    Comment by not a camper I — October 5, 2005 @ 7:53 am

  2. You left the map and tent behind and got rid of the first aid kit….but I’m willing to bet that you didn’t forget reading and writing materials??
    You do have your priorities in order, right?

    Comment by Karen — October 5, 2005 @ 9:09 am

  3. Forgot the tent & the maps. What have you guys been smoking?

    But you didn’t forget the satellite wireless connection and your laptop. Or are you doing this from your cell phone?

    Cool airplane. Cool photos. If I hadn’t been to Wyoming’s Winds Rivers– oops I mean the Transylvanian Vint Riu, I’d be jealous.

    Comment by rakkity — October 5, 2005 @ 1:00 pm

  4. The only way to get you to accompany us would be to invent some fable about how active we will be, and then when we land on the island (or wherever), we’d sneak up behind you and tie three of your four limbs to different trees. We’d leave one working hand (you have one of those right?) in which to put a glass of red wine.

    We arrived home last night.

    Comment by michael — October 5, 2005 @ 1:09 pm

  5. So you’re home! Now I’d normally ask where are the pictures of you guys at your camp. (And unfortunately you let the cat out of the bag about the EMS rental tent. I was hoping to hear how you tied pieces of bark together with strips from your pants and made your own tent.) But I can’t ask where your pictures are because you could then legitimately ask where mine are, and all I can say is that whenever I look at them on my MacMini, I fall straight into the monitor and swim inside them and lose myself until Beth calls and says, “Can I use the telephone?”. And I slide out of the monitor and into reality, not having done anything productive.

    In the mean time, relax, don’t work on the story of the trip, don’t hurry, no pressure from me.
    No sirreee.

    But my next blog story, will be about the racquetball game I’m scheduling with KT. And The Dominator is waiting, slavering at the prospect, to see if I survive.

    Comment by rakkity — October 5, 2005 @ 3:34 pm

  6. In the meantime, I’m going to cheat and pop up a photo or two here and there – but wait – don’t get complacent – because it’s just a smoke screen for one of the other happy campers who is now composing an extensive treatise on this most unusual of camping trips. Sure, we won’t have the exotic photos and torturous, tawdry tales of woe, but we will have umm, aaah, ooooh, frightening accounts of near bursting bellies, stubbly beards catching on Polar Fleece and dangerous spinning glow-in-the-dark Frisbees.

    Comment by michael — October 5, 2005 @ 8:36 pm

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