Aah, to have your contacts — a house in Boothbay Harbor, a timeshare on the Vineyard, Le Gran Torroemore on Minnesota’s Lake Sylvia, and others too green-inducing to go into … But all is forgiven if you but feed us pale underbelly remorae some occasional pictures and travelogue (though you’ve got a lot of posting to do before you approach, never mind achieve, rakkity’s magnificence in that regard!).
Aah, to have your contacts — a house in Boothbay Harbor, a timeshare on the Vineyard, Le Gran Torroemore on Minnesota’s Lake Sylvia, and others too green-inducing to go into … But all is forgiven if you but feed us pale underbelly remorae some occasional pictures and travelogue (though you’ve got a lot of posting to do before you approach, never mind achieve, rakkity’s magnificence in that regard!).
Comment by adam — August 22, 2005 @ 10:05 am