The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, June 27, 2005



posted by Michael at 5:09 pm  


  1. If you look just to the left of the arrow, you can see him!

    Comment by shinydome — June 27, 2005 @ 6:30 pm

  2. hola from Madrid!! Matt and I just got here, after a train ride that lasted the whole night (from 11 pm to 9 am) Matt didn’t get any sleep, so he is asleep now, even though its 2:30 here. He’s taking a siesta in true Spanish style. I’m trying to find things to do here in Madrid and how to get there on the internet (your suggestions were really helpful, thanks!) Anyway, besides the very very long train ride, everything here is going very well; the weather is nice and we really love Barcelona. We saw the famous Gaudi works and they are amazing. Today is my birthday so Matt and I are going to find something fun to do. Thats all for now, I’ll make sure to have Matt write again soon.
    Hasta Luego!

    Comment by Celeste — June 28, 2005 @ 8:35 am

  3. Always great to hear you’re well, even better that you’re having a great time! Do take SOME pictures, please, so we can see your smiling faces amidst las tiendas de Las Ramblas y los fabulosidades de GaudÃŒ. Saludos!

    Comment by compaÃ’ero viajero — June 28, 2005 @ 10:29 am

  4. HEY GUYS!!! how is it?! loving it? mostly i was just writing to say happy birthday to Celeste! you may be 11 hours older than me but i think we turned 17 at just about the exact same time today! i love you a lot and take care of yourselves. love and Light, Hilary

    Comment by LaChica — June 28, 2005 @ 4:28 pm

  5. Hi La Chica.

    Dear Matt & Cel,

    Happy birthday, Cel. Matt knows what itís like to turn seventeen in a foreign country, so I hope he does something nice like take you to a fancy restaurant.

    The weather here is delightful. Upper 80ís and low 90ís with just enough humidity to force sweat while watching TV. Now, if it would only get hotter, but I know nothing this good can last.

    Your mom and I have been busy while youíve been on your walking tour of Spain. Sunday night we had dinner at Mark and Gingerís, last night we went to Ericksonís for ice cream, next Saturday weíre going to Jack Perryís place on Molasses Pond in Maine with John, Ruth and Beth (whoíve just returned from touring those holes in the ground in Arizona), and tomorrow night we might head over to the The Sitting Bull. Thatís the restaurant and bar in Maynard that features an open mike on Wednesday nights. Iím hoping Diane will sing Janis Joplinís version of Me and Bobby Magee.

    Your aunt Joan arrived in Evansville this morning. She was expecting Mack to pick her up and didnít see Bambi who kept walking in front of her, waving her arms. I dropped in on Joan at lunchtime and we did the video chat thing for a while. Itís so cool, so real, but better, because though it feels like you are In the same room, you arenít. It was lunchtime and Mack stopped visiting to go in to the kitchen and make sandwiches. Letís hope that Joan provides most of the rest of the meals.

    I havenít seen Florence since the trip to Pattiís, but Iíll probably stop in soon. Iím still amazed, as you were when she walked into Village Video, aÜ how good she looks. And Iím still stunned that Linda had the courage to take her outside of Concord Park.

    I hope you two keep writing. Itís a thrill to follow your adventures. Where do you go after Madrid?



    Comment by michael — June 28, 2005 @ 6:00 pm

  6. Happy Birthday to Cel and la chica.
    And thanks so much, Cel, for news of your safe arrival in Madrid; hope it’s as much fun as Barcelona and that your birthday celebration is memorable. I continue to be so impressed with you kids’ initiative and independence and competence in the world.

    Comment by PS — June 28, 2005 @ 7:37 pm

  7. °Los cumpleaÒos felices, Celeste! °Espero hace un dÌa maravilloso para usted!

    Chris and I think about you both often and hope you are having a great time. He’s busy with work and baseball, I’m busy with work (planning OTHER people’s trips! darn it!) and we both wish we were traveling ourselves.

    I think you are both amazing explorers! Congratulations. I also think your parents are amazing and brave for allowing these adventures. I give Chris a hard time just about going to Maine for the holiday weekend!

    Have a great time.

    Comment by Karen — June 29, 2005 @ 8:50 am

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