The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Here is little Dash in his new home.
Last night, due to thunder and lightening all night, we were up quite a bit. He kept barking in his crate, so I’d take him outside or come downstairs with him. Finally Mark said, at 3AM when I brought the dog in our room and that little thing growled at my cat, “just let him bark”. ( Brought back memories of when Matthew was 7 months old and we were transitioning him to a crib. “just let him cry” said Mark then too) And so we put him back in his crate and he finally stopped barking after a half hour. No accidents at all in the house. He is quite a snuggle bunny with such an expressive face. I was singing to him today and he got the same look humans get when I sing…a very judgemental please stop as he cocked his head back and forth. He knows the word “no” and will stop doing whatever he’s doing when he hears it.

He and Belle are getting along but my poor Midnight. The cat has been under furniture all day today hiding from all of us. He’s disgusted with this new addition. I think the puppy has never seen a cat before as this is the only being that has induced a growl from him. It’s such a girly growl compared to Belle, but it’s enough to get the cat’s back up. There are noises coming from my cat I’ve never heard. He growls too. I don’t know how to make this better and am hoping the vet has some good suggestions. We didn’t let the cat out today because we were afraid he wouldn’t come back. And it’s so damn hot to boot.

I hope tonight brings a more restful sleep. Mark likes the puppy, but he likes his cat better and doesn’t appreciate having to look under furniture for him.

posted by michael at 11:38 am  


  1. Dash had a better second night, up just once. He and the cat have graduated from growling to glaring. I guess it’s getting better. He’s just the sweetest thing.

    Comment by chris — June 10, 2005 @ 6:06 pm

  2. And the most beautiful.

    Comment by admirer — June 10, 2005 @ 6:11 pm

  3. I told Jeff that you had asked me what I thought of your dog’s name and he said, “Did you tell her you are sleeping in Dash’s room?”

    Comment by michael — June 11, 2005 @ 12:50 pm

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