Captain, Captive
Captain, captive
Of your fate
Fast asleep
On the bed you made
Dream away
Wake up late.
Samuel Menashe
I don’t have a photo editing program so for once I have to post exactly what I’ve snapped, and without an editor, I have to post what I write, and without anything dramatic happening …well, you know where I’m going.
My bed
Out back
The review of The Letters of Robert Lowell is compelling read. I was drawn in by the length of this sentence in the opening paragraph.
“The publication two years ago of Frank Bidart and David Gewanter’s massive edition of the Collected Poems did much to restore his work to public and critical view, but even now Lowell’s poems are, I would guess, less widely read, taught, and anthologized than those of his two friends and contemporaries Elizabeth Bishop and John Berrymanóa judgment, if that is what it is, that would have astonished serious readers of poetry between the 1950s and the 1970s.”
In this book is a letter Lowell wrote to Elizabeth Bishop upon the death of Sylvia Plath. Very moving. They had excerpts from it in one of the New Yorker’s from months back. Tell HO her garden is lovely. Seeing the clothes on the line is evocative to me. I haven’t seen a clotheseline in a yard in forever. Takes me back. I complain when there’s a load of wash to go into the dryer, that feels like a chore. I can’t imagine after every single load to go out and have to hang everything up, wait who knows how long for it to dry, then do it all again with the next load (this is not to say people might not use this as a choice method of drying things…but to had to have to use it all the time seems arduous). Would be like having a dial up connection to the internet again. I do remember as a kid loving running through the clothes line when there were sheets on the line. And those clothes would smell so good afterward.
Comment by evocative — June 7, 2005 @ 11:04 am
So true, evocative. Running through the sheets…I’d forgotten about that. However, that’s a photo of Jeff and Karen’s backyard and beyond the clothes is a flower and vegetable garden.
Comment by michael — June 7, 2005 @ 11:39 am
Dear Karen and Jeff,
Thank you so much for the peaceful sanctuary you offer to my husband. His photos captured his gratitude.
Love, Di
Comment by grateful — June 10, 2005 @ 6:21 pm